[Haskell-cafe] Haskell in 3 Slides

Lionel Barret de Nazaris lionel at gamr7.com
Thu May 21 03:55:14 EDT 2009

On 21/05/2009 09:40, Kalman Noel wrote:
> Joe Fredette schrieb:
>> 3-4 slides imply 3-4 topics, so the question is what are the 3-4 biggest
>> topics in haskell? I would think they would be:
>> * Purity/Referential Transparency
>> * Lazy Evaluation
>> * Strong Typing + Type Classes
>> * Monads
> If the goal is to be able to talk about different examples of Haskell
> code in the rest of the presentation, the big topic I'd choose would be
> called »How function definitions look like in Haskell«.
> Kalman
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My bet :
- type system without the type classes but with comparision with usual 
(c++) type systems.
- function definitions, with a hint at pattern matching
- lazyness. (see the searching a maybe list on the begineer list, it is 
a very good example).
- advanced topic : monads, type classes, etc -> just to say they are 
here and describe what they allow (state, exception), etc.

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