[Haskell-cafe] Cabal, Time & GHC 6.10.2
Dominic Steinitz
dominic at steinitz.org
Sun May 17 04:17:04 EDT 2009
I get
> dom at linux-6ofq:~/asn1> runghc Setup.hs configure
> Configuring PER-0.0.20...
> Setup.hs: At least the following dependencies are missing:
> time -any && -any
but I have time
> dom at linux-6ofq:~/asn1> ghc-pkg list | grep time
> old-locale-, old-time-, packedstring-,
> time-
I think I can see why cabal isn't finding it:
> ghc-pkg dump --global | grep time-
finds nothing and I believe that is what cabal uses to find things.
What's not clear is what I do to fix things. Go back to 6.10.1?
Thanks, Dominic.
> dom at linux-6ofq:~/asn1> ghc --version
> The Glorious Glasgow Haskell Compilation System, version 6.10.2
> dom at linux-6ofq:~/asn1> ghc-pkg --version
> GHC package manager version 6.10.2
Here's my .cabal file.
> Name: PER
> Version: 0.0.20
> License: BSD3
> Author: Dominic Steinitz
> Maintainer: dominic.steinitz at blueyonder.co.uk
> Copyright: Dominic Steinitz 2003 - 2009
> Stability: Alpha
> Category: Language
> Homepage: http://www.haskell.org/asn1
> Synopsis: ASN.1 PER support for Haskell
> Description: A formal and executable specification of the Packed Encoding Rules (PER)
> for ASN.1
> build-depends: binary-strict == 0.4.2,
> bytestring,
> mtl,
> containers,
> time,
> pretty,
> base
> build-type: custom
> Exposed-Modules: Language.ASN1.PER.Integer
> Language.ASN1.PER.GenerateC
> Executable: PERTest
> Main-Is: PERTest.hs
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