[Haskell-cafe] Re: Visualizing Typed Functions

Claus Reinke claus.reinke at talk21.com
Thu May 7 18:44:56 EDT 2009

>> With these functions visualized, one could make a kind of "drag and 
>> drop" interface for Haskell programming, although that isn't really my 
>> intention.  I admit this is a little convoluted even for the purpose of 
>> visualization, but at least it's a starting place.  Does anyone know of 
>> another system or better representation?

Sure, google for visual programming languages - some examples:

- there was a "Visual Haskell", before the Visual Studio plugin

- dissect a mockingbird

- vpl bibliography

> @ It seems that we are getting pretty close to the point that youtube is 
> getting to be a better reference than a paper, at least for 
> practitioners. A lot of talks are on youtube :)

You could always post a screencast of yourself reading a paper!-)


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