[Haskell-cafe] setResourceLimit

brian at lorf.org brian at lorf.org
Wed May 6 16:39:27 EDT 2009

On Wednesday, 06.05.09 at 16:25, Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH wrote:
> No.  What it means is that, if the child will continue to run in the
> same Haskell program after forkProcess-ing, any open Handles won't
> work right.  You could fix this with handleToFd and fdToHandle, I
> suspect, but it's irrelevant because you're going to executeFile
> instead.

I forkProcess. The parent gets the PID. The child does setResourceLimit,
then executeFile, which is done with one of the execvs, which replaces
the child process with the program I'm trying to communicate with.

So now the program is resource limited and will probably quit if it
takes too much CPU time. But the parent just has the child's PID. How is
it communicating with the child?

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