[Haskell-cafe] Haskell IO problem
Ashok Gautham
scriptdevil.haskell at gmail.com
Wed May 6 12:31:14 EDT 2009
On Wed, May 6, 2009 at 4:27 PM, applebiz89 <applebiz89 at hotmail.com> wrote:
> main :: IO()
> do putStr "Hi there! what is your name: "
> fanName = getLine
> do putStr "1 = Insert film, 2 = Become a Fan, 3 = The number of fans of a
> film, 4 = Film released in a year: "
> input = getLine
> read input :: Int
> (if input == 1 then main x = insertFilm [] else if input == 2 then main x =
> becomeFan [] else if input == 3 then main x = numberOfFans [])
> // I thought using the if statement would work, but now I cant think how to
> gather the needed input for the function they have chosen?
Well, here input is a String.
Type of read is
read :: (Read a) => String -> a
i.e. If a is an instance of the read class, read will be able to produce a value
of type a given a String.
So you have to do something like x = read input :: Int
read input will not destructively convert the type of input to int
Alsom I think case x of will be better than if x = 1...
Ashok `ScriptDevil` Gautham
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