[Haskell-cafe] ST.Lazy vs ST.Strict

Tobias Olausson tobsan at gmail.com
Tue May 5 15:42:00 EDT 2009

This simple implementation of CPU does not behave as expected in the
latest version of  ghc using ST.Lazy since it updates the `pc` in the
wrong order.
When we use ghc-6.8 the code works as expected both with lazy and strict ST.
How is that? How do we fix this so we can use ghc-6.10.

-- ------------------------------------------------------------------
module Main where

import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Monad.ST.Lazy
import Data.STRef.Lazy
import Data.Array.ST
import Int

data Refs s = Refs
    { memory    :: STArray s Int8 Int8
    , pc        :: STRef s Int8

type CPU s a = ReaderT (Refs s) (ST s) a
type Address = Int8
type OPCode  = Int8

alterVar v f = asks v >>= lift . flip modifySTRef f
getVar v = asks v >>= lift . readSTRef
setVar v a = asks v >>= lift . flip writeSTRef a

readMem :: Int8 -> CPU s Int8
readMem addr = asks memory >>= lift . flip readArray addr

writeMem :: Address -> Int8 -> CPU s ()
writeMem addr v = asks memory >>= \r -> lift $ writeArray r addr v

fetch :: CPU s OPCode
fetch = getVar pc >>= \v -> alterVar pc (+1) >> readMem v

execute :: OPCode -> CPU s ()
execute op = case op of
    0x4 -> alterVar pc (+100) -- should run this
    _   -> error "should never match this"

initCPU :: ST s (Refs s)
initCPU = do
    m <- newArray_ (0,30)
    p <- newSTRef 0
    return (Refs m p)

main :: IO ()
main = do
    print $ runST (initCPU >>= runReaderT m)
    m = do
      writeMem 0 0x4
      writeMem 1 0x10
      op <- fetch
      execute op
      getVar pc

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