[Haskell-cafe] applicative challenge
Thomas Hartman
tphyahoo at gmail.com
Tue May 5 09:48:20 EDT 2009
That's slick, but is there some way to use interact twice in the same program?
t10 =
let f = unlines . takeWhile (not . blank) . lines
in do putStrLn "first time"
interact f
putStrLn "second time"
interact f
this results in *** Exception: <stdin>: hGetContents: illegal
operation (handle is closed) -}
I also tried
t15 =
let grabby = unlines . takeWhile (not . blank) . lines
top = ("first time: " ++) . grabby . ("second time: " ++) . grabby
in interact top
but that didn't work either:
thartman at ubuntu:~/haskell-learning/lazy-n-strict>runghc sequencing.hs
first time: second time: a
If someone can explain the subtleties of using interact when you run
out of stdio here, it would be nice to incorporate this into
where it talks about how using interact is the easy way to approach
these types of problems. Not *that* easy though, as this scenario
2009/5/5 Thomas Davie <tom.davie at gmail.com>:
> On 4 May 2009, at 23:15, Thomas Hartman wrote:
>> {-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-}
>> import Data.List
>> import Control.Monad
>> import Control.Applicative
>> -- Can the function below be tweaked to quit on blank input,
>> provisioned in the applicative style?
>> -- which function(s) needs to be rewritten to make it so?
>> -- Can you tell/guess which function(s) is the problem just by looking
>> at the code below?
>> -- If so, can you explain what the strategy for doing so is?
>> notQuiteRight = takeWhile (not . blank) <$> ( sequence . repeat $ echo )
>> echo = do
>> l <- getLine
>> putStrLn l
>> return l
>> -- this seems to work... is there a way to make it work Applicatively,
>> with lifted takeWhile?
>> seemsToWork = sequenceWhile_ (not . blank) (repeat echo)
>> sequenceWhile_ p [] = return ()
>> sequenceWhile_ p (mx:mxs) = do
>> x <- mx
>> if p x
>> then do sequenceWhile_ p mxs
>> else return ()
> Conor's already give you a comprehensive explanation of why Applicative
> can't be used to do this, but that doesn't mean you can't use applicative
> style!
> How about...
> echo = unlines . takeWhile (not . blank) . lines
> seemsToWork = interact echo
> Bob
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