[Haskell-cafe] Re: StateT IO Action on `onKeyPress`
Andy Stewart
lazycat.manatee at gmail.com
Mon May 4 04:02:16 EDT 2009
Hi Ryan,
Ryan Ingram <ryani.spam at gmail.com> writes:
> Hi Andy.
> The GTK bindings use IO for their callbacks, not any custom monad like
> your WindowListT.
> I suggest, instead of StateT s IO a, you use ReaderT (IORef s) IO a:
> putR :: s -> ReaderT (IORef s) IO ()
> putR s = do
> r <- ask
> liftIO $ writeIORef r s
> getR :: ReaderT (IORef s) IO s
> getR = ask >>= liftIO . readIORef
> Otherwise, there are techniques to use an IORef to hold onto the state
> while calling into IO (which might make callbacks), and then read it
> back out and put it in the state while running your action. But it's
> simpler to just switch to ReaderT
I'm curious another techniques that use IORef hold on state.
Can you implement a simple example that make my code pass `onKeyPress`?
-- Andy
> -- ryan
> On Sun, May 3, 2009 at 8:27 AM, Andy Stewart <lazycat.manatee at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I have a function named `keymapTest` need moand state WindowListT, and
>> WindowListT is `type WindowListT = StateT WindowList IO`.
>> when i add "(\event -> keymapTest winList event >> return False)" after
>> `onKeyPress` for handle key press event, i got GHC error:
>> Manatee.hs:57:58:
>> Couldn't match expected type `IO a'
>> against inferred type `WindowListT Bool'
>> In the first argument of `(>>)', namely `keymapTest winList event'
>> In the expression: keymapTest winList event >> return False
>> In the second argument of `onKeyPress', namely
>> `(\ event -> keymapTest winList event >> return False)'
>> So function `onKeyPress` just accept *one* IO-action?
>> Have a way to fix above problem?
>> Any help?
>> Thanks!
>> -- Andy
>> Below is source code of Manatee.hs file.
>> ------------------------------> Manatee.hs start <------------------------------
>> module Main where
>> import Text.Printf
>> import Data.Monoid
>> import Data.List
>> import Data.Maybe
>> import Control.Monad
>> import Control.Monad.State
>> import Control.Applicative
>> import Data.IORef
>> import Graphics.UI.Gtk hiding (Window, windowNew, get)
>> import Graphics.UI.Gtk.SourceView
>> import Graphics.UI.Gtk.Abstract.Widget
>> import Manatee.Event
>> import Manatee.Buffer
>> import Manatee.WindowList
>> import Manatee.Pane
>> import Manatee.Statusbar
>> import Manatee.Utils
>> import Manatee.Window
>> import qualified Data.Set as Set
>> import qualified Graphics.UI.Gtk.Windows.Window as W
>> import qualified Graphics.UI.Gtk.Gdk.Events as E
>> main :: IO ()
>> main = do
>> -- Init.
>> initGUI
>> -- Root frame.
>> rootFrame <- W.windowNew
>> rootFrame `onDestroy` mainQuit -- quit main loop when root frame close
>> -- Root frame status.
>> windowFullscreen rootFrame -- fullscreen
>> -- Windows list.
>> let windowsList = WindowList 0 Set.empty
>> evalStateT (do
>> -- Window 1
>> window1 <- windowNewWithBuffer DTop "test"
>> liftIO $ containerAdd rootFrame $ windowPaned window1
>> (window2, window3) <- windowSplitVertically window1
>> (window4, window5) <- windowSplitHorizontally window3
>> winList <- windowListGetList
>> liftIO $ rootFrame `onKeyPress` (\event -> keymapTest winList event >> return False)
>> -- Handle window content synchronous.
>> windowHandleSynchronous
>> ) windowsList
>> -- Loop
>> widgetShowAll rootFrame -- display all widget
>> mainGUI
>> keymapTest :: [Window] -> E.Event -> WindowListT Bool
>> keymapTest winList event = do
>> window <- liftIO $ windowFindFocus winList
>> case window of
>> Just x -> handleKeyPress x event
>> Nothing -> return False
>> handleKeyPress :: Window -> E.Event -> WindowListT Bool
>> handleKeyPress window ev = do
>> liftIO $
>> case eventTransform ev of
>> Nothing -> return False
>> Just e -> do
>> let display = statusbarOutputSubitemSetText $ paneStatusbar $ windowPane $ window
>> eventName = eventGetName e
>> case eventName of
>> -- Window commands.
>> "M-t" -> display "windowSplitVertically"
>> -- "M-t" -> windowSplitVertically window >> return False
>> _ -> display $ printf "%s undefined." eventName
>> ------------------------------> Manatee.hs end <------------------------------
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