[Haskell-cafe] [tryReadAdvChan :: AdvChan a -> IO (Maybe a)] problems
lambda-belka at yandex.ru
Fri May 1 00:09:01 EDT 2009
I need this function with requirement of heavy reads, *possibly under DDoS
Was trying to write such function, but discovered some serious problems of
** possible racings,
** possible starvations
** unbalance: readAdvChan users may get better service than ones of
These are totally unacceptible for my case of DDoS risk.
Actually, am I wrong thinking, that it can't be helped - and the degradation
from cute concurency synchronization model of Chan is unavoidable?
My (untested) code:
module AdvChan ( AdvChan
, newAdvChan
, readAdvChan
, writeAdvChan
, writeList2AdvChan
, advChan2StrictList
, withResourceFromAdvChan
, tryReadAdvChan
, isEmptyAdvChan
) where
import Control.Concurrent.Chan
import Control.Concurrent.MVar
data AdvChan a = AdvChan {
acInst :: MVar Chan a
, acWrite :: a -> IO ()
, acIsEmpty :: IO Bool
newAdvChan :: IO AdvChan a
newAdvChan = do ch <- newChan
mv_ch <- newMVar ch
return AdvChan {
acInst = mv_ch
, acWrite = writeChan ch
, acIsEmpty = isEmptyChan ch
readAdvChan :: AdvChan a -> IO a
readAdvChan ach = modifyMVar (acInst ach)
(\ ch -> do a <- readChan ch
return (ch, a)
writeAdvChan :: AdvChan a -> a -> IO ()
writeAdvChan = acWrite
writeList2AdvChan :: AdvChan a -> [a] -> IO ()
writeList2AdvChan ach [] = return ()
writeList2AdvChan ach (h:t) = writeAdvChan ach h >> writeList2AdvChan ach t
advChan2StrictList :: AdvChan a -> IO [a]
advChan2StrictList ach = modifyMVar (acInst ach)
(\ ch -> let readLoop = do emp <-
isEmptyChan ch
case emp of
True ->
return []
False ->
do _head <- readChan ch
_rest <- readLoop
return (_head : _rest)
in liftTuple (return ch,
withResourceFromAdvChan :: AdvChan a -> (\ a -> IO (a, b)) -> IO b
withResourceFromAdvChan ach f = do res <- readAdvChan ach
(res_processed, result) <- f res
writeAdvChan ach res_processed
return result
isEmptyAdvChan :: AdvChan a -> IO Bool
isEmptyAdvChan = acIsEmpty
microDelta = 50
tryReadAdvChan :: AdvChan a -> IO (Maybe a)
tryReadAdvChan ach = emp2Maybeness $ do mb_inst <- tryTakeMVar (acInst ach)
case mb_inst of
Nothing -> emp2Maybeness
(threadDelay microDelta >> tryReadAdvChan ach)
Just chan -> do emp <-
isEmptyChan ch
result <- case
emp of
True -> return Nothing
False -> Just `liftM` readChan ch
putMVar (acInst
ach) chan
return result
where emp2Maybeness f = do emp <- isEmptyAdvChan ach
case emp of
True -> return Nothing
False -> f
Later after writing my own code, and understanding the problem I checked
Hackage. Found "synchronous-channels" package there
but it isn't any further in solving my the unbalacedness problems.
Any suggestions on the fresh matter are welcome.
View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/-tryReadAdvChan-%3A%3A-AdvChan-a--%3E-IO-%28Maybe-a%29--problems-tp23328237p23328237.html
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