[Haskell-cafe] Really need some help understanding a solution
Günther Schmidt
gue.schmidt at web.de
Thu Mar 26 14:21:21 EDT 2009
Hi guys,
I tried for days now to figure out a solution that Luke Palmer has
presented me with, by myself, I'm getting nowhere.
He has kindly provided me with this code:
import Data.Monoid
newtype IntTrie a = IntTrie [a]
deriving Show
singleton :: (Monoid a) => Int -> a -> IntTrie a
singleton ch x = IntTrie $ replicate ch mempty ++ [x] ++ repeat mempty
lookupTrie :: IntTrie a -> Int -> a
lookupTrie (IntTrie xs) n = xs !! n
instance (Monoid a) => Monoid (IntTrie a) where
mempty = IntTrie (repeat mempty)
mappend (IntTrie xs) (IntTrie ys) = IntTrie (infZipWith mappend xs ys)
infZipWith f ~(x:xs) ~(y:ys) = f x y : infZipWith f xs ys
test = mconcat [singleton (n `mod` 42) [n] | n <- [0..]] `lookupTrie` 10
It's supposed to eventually help me group a list of key value pairs and
then further process them in a linear (streaming like) way.
The original list being something like [('a', 23), ('b', 18), ('a', 34)
There are couple of techniques employed in this solution, but I'm just
guessing here.
The keywords I've been looking up so far:
Memmoization, Deforestation, Single Pass, Linear Map and some others.
Can someone please fill me in?
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