[Haskell-cafe] Crash in GHCI - what is the correct behavior here?

Luke Palmer lrpalmer at gmail.com
Thu Mar 19 00:46:26 EDT 2009

2009/3/18 Zachary Turner <divisortheory at gmail.com>

> Basically just learning haskell, I would have posted this in the beginners
> list but since it involves a segfault of GHCI, I figured it might be worth
> posting here.
> I was trying to get a good understanding of local variable scoping issues,
> so I tried the following:
> f :: (Num a) => a -> a
> f x =
>     let p = x*x
>     in
>         let p = x*p
>         in p
> I have some background in ML, which led me to believe that what should
> happen here is that the function would return x^3.  Instead, GHCI just
> completely terminates, I guess with a segfault.  What's the "correct"
> behavior here?  Should it even compile?  I understand that you can't
> redefine the same symbol twice in the same scope, so I tried this
> specifically to see what would happen if you defined the same variable again
> in a nested scope.  I thought it would just shadow the original declaration,
> while still using the original p to calculate the value of the new p.  I
> don't think the problem is the re-declaration of the same symbol in a nested
> scope (although if someone could clarify that would be nice), but rather the
> fact that I've attempted to use the previous declaration of p in defining
> the new declaration of p.

You are correct that the inner p shadows the outer p.  However, you are
incorrect that "p" on the right side of the inner definition is the outer p
(man this is hard to talk about).  Lets in Haskell are recursive, so your
program is equivalent to:

f x = let p = x*p in p

I'm going to do a little domain theory now, because I'm in the mood :-).  So
p is the least value which satisfies the equation p = x*p.  For most numeric
types, (*) is strict in its right argument, so _|_ = x*_|_.  And in fact
this is the equation we had to satisfy, and there is no value less than _|_,
so p = _|_.

So, f x = _|_. (an infinite loop)

I love Haskell so much.  T'aint no language more precise.

Anyway, there are various ways that Haskell handles bottom.  If you're
seeing ghci immediately exit, you're probably observing "black hole
detection", in which ghci prints <loop> to inform you you have an infinite
loop instead of actually looping forever.  There are certain cases where
this can be done.

If that's not consistent with what you observed, more details please!
Including version, OS, compiler flags, and transcript.  It might indeed be a
bug :-)

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