[Haskell-cafe] broken IO support in uvector package,
when using non primitive types
Daniel Fischer
daniel.is.fischer at web.de
Fri Mar 13 19:18:59 EDT 2009
Am Freitag, 13. März 2009 23:53 schrieb Don Stewart:
> manlio_perillo:
> > Daniel Fischer ha scritto:
> >> [...]
> >> Worked with uvector-
> >>
> >> [...]
> >> But not with uvector-0.2
> >>
> > > [...]
> >
> > The main difference is that in uvector 0.2, hPutBU does not write in the
> > file the length of the array; hGetBU simply use the file size.
> >
> > let elemSize = sizeBU 1 (undefined :: e)
> > n <- fmap ((`div`elemSize) . fromInteger) $ hFileSize h
> >
> >
> > So, the problem seems to be here.
> > This simply don't support having two arrays written in the same file,
> > and sizeBU belongs to the UAE class, whose instances are only declared
> > for builtin types.
> >
> >
> > So, the patch is: "just revert this change".
> Or... use your own UIO instance. That's why it's a type class!
> Anyway, for the background on this:
> Tue Nov 18 08:44:46 PST 2008 Malcolm Wallace
> * Use hFileSize to determine arraysize, rather than encoding it in
> the file.
> "Here is a patch to the uvector library that fixes hGetBU and hPutBU to
> use the filesize to determine arraysize, rather than encoding it within
> the file. I guess the disadvantages are that now only one array can
> live in a file, and the given Handle must indeed be a file, not a
> socket Handle. But the advantage is that one can read packed raw datafiles
> obtained externally."
> Still, again, I'd point out that uvector is alpha, APIs can and will
> change.
> -- Don
Though I don't really know whether what I did is sane, I can offer a few
patches which seem to work.
Check for sanity before applying :)
hunk ./Data/Array/Vector/Prim/BUArr.hs 85
- hPutBU, hGetBU
+ hPutBU, hGetBU, hGetLengthBU
hunk ./Data/Array/Vector/Prim/BUArr.hs 864
+hGetLengthBU :: forall e. UAE e => Int -> Handle -> IO (BUArr e)
+hGetLengthBU numEntries h =
+ do
+ marr@(MBUArr _ marr#) <- stToIO (newMBU numEntries)
+ let bytes = sizeBU numEntries (undefined :: e)
+ wantReadableHandle "hGetBU" h $
+ \handle at Handle__{ haFD=fd, haBuffer=ref, haIsStream=is_stream } -> do
+ buf at Buffer { bufBuf = raw, bufWPtr = w, bufRPtr = r } <- readIORef ref
+ let copied = bytes `min` (w - r)
+ remaining = bytes - copied
+ newr = r + copied
+ newbuf | newr == w = buf{ bufRPtr = 0, bufWPtr = 0 }
+ | otherwise = buf{ bufRPtr = newr }
+ --memcpy_ba_baoff marr# raw (fromIntegral r) (fromIntegral copied)
+ memcpy_ba_baoff marr# raw (fromIntegral r) (fromIntegral copied)
+ writeIORef ref newbuf
+ readChunkBU fd is_stream marr# copied remaining
+ stToIO (unsafeFreezeAllMBU marr)
hunk ./Data/Array/Vector/UArr.hs 59
- BUArr, MBUArr, UAE,
- lengthBU, indexBU, sliceBU, hGetBU, hPutBU,
+ BUArr, MBUArr, UAE(..),
+ lengthBU, indexBU, sliceBU, hGetBU, hGetLengthBU, hPutBU,
hunk ./Data/Array/Vector/UArr.hs 867
+ hGetLengthU :: Int -> Handle -> IO (UArr a)
hunk ./Data/Array/Vector/UArr.hs 875
+primGetLengthU :: UPrim a => Int -> Handle -> IO (UArr a)
+primGetLengthU n = liftM mkUAPrim . hGetLengthBU n
hunk ./Data/Array/Vector/UArr.hs 880
-instance UIO Bool where hPutU = primPutU; hGetU = primGetU
-instance UIO Char where hPutU = primPutU; hGetU = primGetU
-instance UIO Int where hPutU = primPutU; hGetU = primGetU
-instance UIO Word where hPutU = primPutU; hGetU = primGetU
-instance UIO Float where hPutU = primPutU; hGetU = primGetU
-instance UIO Double where hPutU = primPutU; hGetU = primGetU
+instance UIO Bool where hPutU = primPutU; hGetU = primGetU; hGetLengthU =
+instance UIO Char where hPutU = primPutU; hGetU = primGetU; hGetLengthU =
+instance UIO Int where hPutU = primPutU; hGetU = primGetU; hGetLengthU =
+instance UIO Word where hPutU = primPutU; hGetU = primGetU; hGetLengthU =
+instance UIO Float where hPutU = primPutU; hGetU = primGetU; hGetLengthU =
+instance UIO Double where hPutU = primPutU; hGetU = primGetU; hGetLengthU =
hunk ./Data/Array/Vector/UArr.hs 887
-instance UIO Word8 where hPutU = primPutU; hGetU = primGetU
-instance UIO Word16 where hPutU = primPutU; hGetU = primGetU
-instance UIO Word32 where hPutU = primPutU; hGetU = primGetU
-instance UIO Word64 where hPutU = primPutU; hGetU = primGetU
+instance UIO Word8 where hPutU = primPutU; hGetU = primGetU; hGetLengthU =
+instance UIO Word16 where hPutU = primPutU; hGetU = primGetU; hGetLengthU =
+instance UIO Word32 where hPutU = primPutU; hGetU = primGetU; hGetLengthU =
+instance UIO Word64 where hPutU = primPutU; hGetU = primGetU; hGetLengthU =
hunk ./Data/Array/Vector/UArr.hs 892
-instance UIO Int8 where hPutU = primPutU; hGetU = primGetU
-instance UIO Int16 where hPutU = primPutU; hGetU = primGetU
-instance UIO Int32 where hPutU = primPutU; hGetU = primGetU
-instance UIO Int64 where hPutU = primPutU; hGetU = primGetU
+instance UIO Int8 where hPutU = primPutU; hGetU = primGetU; hGetLengthU =
+instance UIO Int16 where hPutU = primPutU; hGetU = primGetU; hGetLengthU =
+instance UIO Int32 where hPutU = primPutU; hGetU = primGetU; hGetLengthU =
+instance UIO Int64 where hPutU = primPutU; hGetU = primGetU; hGetLengthU =
hunk ./Data/Array/Vector/UArr.hs 899
-instance (UIO a, UIO b) => UIO (a :*: b) where
+instance (UAE a, UAE b, UIO a, UIO b) => UIO (a :*: b) where
hunk ./Data/Array/Vector/UArr.hs 902
- hGetU h = do xs <- hGetU h
- ys <- hGetU h
+ hGetU h = do let elemSize = sizeBU 1 (undefined :: a) +
sizeBU 1 (undefined :: b)
+ n <- fmap ((`div` elemSize) . fromInteger) $
hFileSize h
+ xs <- hGetLengthU n h
+ ys <- hGetLengthU n h
+ return (UAProd xs ys)
+ hGetLengthU n h = do xs <- hGetLengthU n h
+ ys <- hGetLengthU n h
hunk ./Data/Array/Vector/UArr.hs 914
-instance (RealFloat a, UIO a) => UIO (Complex a) where
+instance (RealFloat a, UAE a, UIO a) => UIO (Complex a) where
hunk ./Data/Array/Vector/UArr.hs 918
+ hGetLengthU n h = do arr <- hGetLengthU n h
+ return (UAComplex arr)
hunk ./Data/Array/Vector/UArr.hs 921
-instance (Integral a, UIO a) => UIO (Ratio a) where
+instance (Integral a, UAE a, UIO a) => UIO (Ratio a) where
hunk ./Data/Array/Vector/UArr.hs 925
+ hGetLengthU n h = do arr <- hGetLengthU n h
+ return (UARatio arr)
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