[Haskell-cafe] broken IO support in uvector package, when using non primitive types

Manlio Perillo manlio_perillo at libero.it
Fri Mar 13 18:50:54 EDT 2009

Daniel Fischer ha scritto:
> [...]
> Worked with uvector-
>  [...]
> But not with uvector-0.2
 > [...]

The main difference is that in uvector 0.2, hPutBU does not write in the 
file the length of the array; hGetBU simply use the file size.

    let elemSize = sizeBU 1 (undefined :: e)
    n <- fmap ((`div`elemSize) . fromInteger) $ hFileSize h

So, the problem seems to be here.
This simply don't support having two arrays written in the same file, 
and sizeBU belongs to the UAE class, whose instances are only declared 
for builtin types.

So, the patch is: "just revert this change".

Regards  Manlio

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