[Haskell-cafe] bytestring vs. uvector

Xiao-Yong Jin xj2106 at columbia.edu
Mon Mar 9 22:28:25 EDT 2009

Alexander Dunlap <alexander.dunlap at gmail.com> writes:

> - uvector, storablevector and vector are all designed for dealing with
> arrays. They *can* be used for characters/word8s but are not
> specialized for that purpose, do not deal with Unicode at all, and are
> probably worse at it. They are better for dealing with things that you
> would generally use arrays for.

I think uvector only works with certain types that can be
unboxed, while storablevector works with all types that
instantiate Foreign.Storable.Storable.  I don't know about
vector.  From the description of vector, I have the
impression that it is quite unstable.  How is it compared to
uvector and storablevector?  I need one of those to work
with my code to possibly improve the efficiency.  But I
can't use uvector, because I can't use unboxed types.
Should I use storablevector?  Or vector?

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