[Haskell-cafe] Haskell Weekly News: Issue 122 - June 21, 2009
Brent Yorgey
byorgey at seas.upenn.edu
Sun Jun 21 14:10:18 EDT 2009
Haskell Weekly News
Issue 122 - June 21, 2009
Welcome to issue 122 of HWN, a newsletter covering developments in the
[1]Haskell community.
Are you ready for the [2]12th Annual ICFP programming contest? It
begins this Friday, don't miss it! Let's reclaim Haskell's rightful
place as the programming language of choice for discriminating hackers.
Haskell protocol-buffers version 1.5.0. Chris Kuklewicz [3]announced
version 1.5.0 of the [4]protocol-buffers,
[5]protocol-buffers-descriptor, and [6]hprotoc packages to Hackage.
This catches up to Google's version 2.1.0: support for "repeated"
fields for primitive types; fields can now be marked deprecated; the
type name resolver will no longer resolve type names to fields; and
12th Annual ICFP Contest. Mark Huntington Snyder [7]announced the 12th
Annual [8]ICFP Programming Contest, hosted by the University of Kansas
Computer Systems Design Laboratory at the Information and
Telecommunication Technology Center. The contest will be held on the
weekend of June 26-29. The contest task will be released sixteen
seconds after 13:00 Central Daylight Time (US) on Friday, and entries
will be accepted until 13:00:16 CDT on Monday. There is no
preregistration required, and participation is free and open to all.
Teams may participate from any location, and may use any programming
language(s). Read the [9]contest blog or subscribe to the [10]RSS feed
to receive timely updates before and during the contest.
clock 0.1 released. Cetin Sert [11]announced the release of [12]clock,
a package for convenient access to high-resolution clock and timer
functions of different operating systems. It is planned to consist of
two layers; the lower layer will provide direct access to OS-specific
clock and timer functions like clock_gettime of Posix or GetTickCount
of Windows, and its upper layer shall then provide a common API for all
supported systems. Currently only the lower level is being developed.
Turbinado V0.7. Alson Kemp [13]announced version 0.7 of [14]Turbinado,
a Ruby-On-Rails-like web server and web framework for Haskell. It is
designed to make creating web application using Haskell both easy and
joyful. The primary additions in version 0.7 are FastCGI support and a
new templating system (which includes HAML and HTML support).
Additional details can be found [15]here.
haskeline-class. Antoine Latter [16]announced [17]haskeline-class, a
small library providing a newtyped MonadState instance for haskeline
which lifts the class operations to an inner monad (as opposed to its
existing instance).
hyena. Johan Tibell [18]announced the first release of [19]hyena, a
library for building web servers, based on the work on [20]iteratee
style I/O by Oleg Kiselyov. The library allows you to create web
servers that consume their input incrementally, without resorting to
lazy I/O. This should lead to more predictable resource usage.
Haskell-based iPhone development. Conal Elliott [21]announced a
[22]collaboration wiki page for anyone working with Haskell to make
iPhone apps.
Fwd: Boston Haskell June 23rd meeting: openings for Lightning Talks.
Ravi Nanavati [23]announced that there are several available slots for
"lightning" (5 minute) talks at the June 23 meeting of the [24]Boston
Area Haskell Users' Group.
haskell-src-exts 1.0.0 rc1. Niklas Broberg [25]announced a series of
release candidates for haskell-src-exts-1.0.0 (as of this writing, the
most recent release candidate is version 0.5.6). This version is
intended to fully support parsing of almost all Haskell extensions.
Please help with testing!
BostonHaskell: Next meeting - June 23rd at MIT CSAIL Reading Room
(32-G882). Ravi Nanavati [26]announced the second meeting of the
[27]Boston Area Haskell Users' Group, scheduled for Tuesday, June 23rd
from 6:30pm - 8:30pm. It will be held in the MIT CSAIL Reading Room
(32-G882, i.e. a room on the 8th floor of the Gates Tower of the MIT's
Stata Center at 32 Vassar St in Cambridge, MA). Talks include
"Automagic Font Conversion with Haskell Typeclasses" by Frank Berthold,
and "Intermediate Language Representations via GADTs" by Nirav Dave.
traversal transformations. Sjoerd Visscher [28]exhibited some code for
Church-encoded container structures using their Foldable instance, and
later [29]announced the [30]fmlist package based on the same code,
along with a surprising example of a lazy 'middle-infinite' list (where
elements can be taken from the beginning or the end!).
hledger 0.6 released. Simon Michael [31]announced the release of
[32]hledger 0.6. See the announcement for a list of the new features
and other information.
Adding swap to Data.Tuple. roconnor [33]proposed adding swap and swap'
functions to Data.Tuple.
Revamping the module hierarchy. Johan Tibell began an interesting
[34]discussion about package names, module names, and the module
Confusion on the third monad law when using lambda abstractions. Jon
Strait [35]asked about the third monad law, leading to some
clarification on what precisely the law says, and some interesting
discussion on idiomatic use of the (<=<) (Kleisli composition)
Need some help with an infinite list. Gunther Schmidt [36]asked for
some help generating a particular infinite list, and got a number of
interesting suggestions.
Blog noise
[37]Haskell news from the [38]blogosphere. Blog posts from people new
to the Haskell community are marked with >>>, be sure to welcome them!
* Thomas ten Cate: [39]Cosmetics. Nice-looking icons for EclipseFP!
* Niklas Broberg: [40]GSoC status report, week 4. More release
candidates for haskell-src-exts 1.0.0.
* >>> Uwe Hoffmann: [41]publishing nike runs, part 4: string
templates. Real-world example of using HStringTemplate.
* Andy Gill: [42]Call for Participation in the 12th Annual ICFP
Programming Contest!. June 26-29!
* Sebastian Fischer: [43]Reinventing Haskell Backtracking.
* Remco Niemeijer: [44]Programming Praxis - Monte Carlo
factorization. Remco implements Pollard's factorization algorithm
in 9 lines of Haskell.
* >>> Lee Duhem: [45]Understanding Functions Which Use 'instance
Monad []' by Equational Reasoning.
* Alex McLean: [46]Patterns in Haskell. A Haskell music generation
* David Amos: [47]Group generators for graph symmetries.
* >>> adam: [48]Experience writing a ray tracer in Haskell. Adam's
final project in a Haskell class taught by Mark Jones and Tim
* Petr Rockai: [49]soc progress 4.
* Yaakov Nemoy: [50]Haskell Bindings to C from Start to Finish.
Yaakov outlines his experience getting c2hs and the FFI to work.
* Alex McLean: [51]Patterns in Haskell. Representing rhythmic
patterns in Haskell.
* >>> Abhishek Tiwari: [52]Haskell for Bioinformatics.
* Roman Cheplyaka: [53]Shootout. A hilarious comic featuring sound
advice on Haskell optimization.
* Ketil Malde: [54]Dephd updates.
* Neil Mitchell: [55]Draft paper on Derive, comments wanted.
* Remco Niemeijer: [56]Programming Praxis - Who Owns The Zebra?.
* Erik de Castro Lopo: [57]Two More for the Debian New Queue..
* David Amos: [58]Graph symmetries.
* Alson Kemp: [59]Announce: Turbinado V0.7.
* Gergely Patai: [60]You can draw your own graphs now!.
* >>> Jens Petersen: [61]Haskell cabal-install rocks .
Quotes of the Week
* Botje: <Cheery> oh man. de bruijn again kicked me to groin <Botje>
the easy fix is to label your groin as (-1) :)
* Pseudonym: Telling dons that something has been added to the
shootout is the new telling Oleg that it can't be done in the type
About the Haskell Weekly News
New editions are posted to [62]the Haskell mailing list as well as to
[63]the Haskell Sequence and [64]Planet Haskell. [65]RSS is also
available, and headlines appear on [66]haskell.org.
To help create new editions of this newsletter, please see the
information on [67]how to contribute. Send stories to byorgey at cis
dot upenn dot edu. The darcs repository is available at darcs get
[68]http://code.haskell.org/~byorgey/code/hwn/ .
1. http://haskell.org/
2. http://icfpcontest.org/
3. http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lang.haskell.libraries/11331
4. http://hackage.haskell.org/package/protocol-buffers
5. http://hackage.haskell.org/package/protocol-buffers-descriptor
6. http://hackage.haskell.org/package/hprotoc
7. http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lang.haskell.general/17298
8. http://icfpcontest.org/
9. http://www.icfpcontest.org/wordpress
10. http://www.icfpcontest.org/wordpress/?feed=rss2
11. http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lang.haskell.general/17279
12. http://hackage.haskell.org/cgi-bin/hackage-scripts/package/clock
13. http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lang.haskell.general/17277
14. http://wiki.github.com/turbinado/turbinado
15. http://www.alsonkemp.com/turbinado/announce-turbinado-v07/
16. http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lang.haskell.cafe/60246
17. http://hackage.haskell.org/package/haskeline-class
18. http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lang.haskell.cafe/60117
19. http://hackage.haskell.org/package/hyena
20. http://hackage.haskell.org/package/iteratee
21. http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lang.haskell.cafe/60104
22. http://haskell.org/haskellwiki/IPhone
23. http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lang.haskell.cafe/60091
24. http://www.haskell.org/haskellwiki/Boston_Area_Haskell_Users%27_Group
25. http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lang.haskell.cafe/59993
26. http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lang.haskell.cafe/59991
27. http://www.haskell.org/haskellwiki/Boston_Area_Haskell_Users%27_Group
28. http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lang.haskell.cafe/59894
29. http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lang.haskell.cafe/60120
30. http://hackage.haskell.org/cgi-bin/hackage-scripts/package/fmlist
31. http://www.haskell.org/pipermail/haskell-cafe/2009-June/062787.html
32. http://hledger.org/
33. http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lang.haskell.libraries/11326
34. http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lang.haskell.libraries/11325
35. http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lang.haskell.cafe/60105
36. http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lang.haskell.cafe/59999
37. http://planet.haskell.org/
38. http://haskell.org/haskellwiki/Blog_articles
39. http://eclipsefp.wordpress.com/2009/06/20/cosmetics/
40. http://nibrofun.blogspot.com/2009/06/gsoc-status-report-week-4.html
41. http://www.codemanic.com/uwe/2009/06/publishing-nike-runs-part-4-string-templates.html
42. http://blog.unsafeperformio.com/?p=53
43. http://www-ps.informatik.uni-kiel.de/~sebf/pub/atps09.html
44. http://bonsaicode.wordpress.com/2009/06/19/programming-praxis-monte-carlo-factorization/
45. http://leeduhem.wordpress.com/2009/06/19/understanding-functions-which-use-list-monad-by-equational-reasoning/
46. http://yaxu.org/patterns-in-haskell/
47. http://haskellformaths.blogspot.com/2009/06/group-generators-for-graph-symmetries.html
48. http://blog.finiteimprobability.com/2009/06/18/experience-writing-a-ray-tracer-in-haskell/
49. http://web.mornfall.net/blog/soc_progress_4.html
50. http://loupgaroublond.blogspot.com/2009/06/haskell-bindings-to-c-from-start-to.html
51. http://yaxu.org/patterns-in-haskell/
52. http://www.abhishek-tiwari.com/2009/06/haskell-for-bioinformatics.html
53. http://ro-che.blogspot.com/2009/06/shootout.html
54. http://blog.malde.org/index.php/2009/06/16/dephd-updates/
55. http://neilmitchell.blogspot.com/2009/06/draft-paper-on-derive-comments-wanted.html
56. http://bonsaicode.wordpress.com/2009/06/16/programming-praxis-who-owns-the-zebra/
57. http://www.mega-nerd.com/erikd/Blog/CodeHacking/Debian/safe_uniplate.html
58. http://haskellformaths.blogspot.com/2009/06/graph-symmetries.html
59. http://www.alsonkemp.com/turbinado/announce-turbinado-v07/
60. http://just-bottom.blogspot.com/2009/06/you-can-draw-your-own-graphs-now.html
61. http://juhp.blogspot.com/2009/06/haskell-cabal-install-rocks.html
62. http://www.haskell.org/mailman/listinfo/haskell
63. http://sequence.complete.org/
64. http://planet.haskell.org/
65. http://sequence.complete.org/node/feed
66. http://haskell.org/
67. http://haskell.org/haskellwiki/HWN
68. http://code.haskell.org/~byorgey/code/hwn/
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