[Haskell-cafe] ANNOUNCE fmlist

Sjoerd Visscher sjoerd at w3future.com
Fri Jun 19 09:35:48 EDT 2009

I'm glad you liked it!

There's an interesting different way of doing the first half of your  
derivation, using a helper function:

 > transform t l = FM $ \f -> unFM l (t f)

It transforms the map function passed to foldMap.

The transform function has this property:

 > transform a . transform b = transform (b . a)

flatten and fmap can both be written as transformers:

 > flatten = transform foldMap
 > fmap g  = transform (. g)

Now we can derive:

     (>>= g)
   = flatten . fmap g
   = transform foldMap . transform (. g)
   = transform ((. g) . foldMap)
   = transform (\f -> foldMap f . g)
   = FM $ \f -> unFM m (foldMap f . g)

Other examples of transform are:

   filter p = transform (\f e -> if p e then f e else mempty)
   (<*> xs) = transform (\f g -> unFM xs (f . g))

Unfortunately I couldn't get this code to type-check, so the library  
doesn't use transform.


On Jun 18, 2009, at 11:28 AM, Sebastian Fischer wrote:

> On Jun 18, 2009, at 9:57 AM, Sjoerd Visscher wrote:
>> I am pleased to announce the first release of Data.FMList, lists  
>> represented by their foldMap function: [...]
>> http://hackage.haskell.org/package/fmlist-0.1
> cool!
> Just for fun: a derivation translating between different  
> formulations of monadic bind.
>    m >>= g
>  = flatten (fmap g m)
>  = FM $ \f -> unFM (fmap g m) (foldMap f)
>  = FM $ \f -> unFM (FM $ \f' -> unFM m (f' . g)) (foldMap f)
>  = FM $ \f -> (\f' -> unFM m (f' . g)) (foldMap f)
>  = FM $ \f -> unFM m (folfMap f . g)             -- your definition
>  = FM $ \f -> unFM m (flip unFM f . g)
>  = FM $ \f -> unFM m (\x -> flip unFM f (g x))
>  = FM $ \f -> unFM m (\x -> unFM (g x) f)        -- like  
> continuation monad
> Cheers,
> Sebastian
> -- 
> Underestimating the novelty of the future is a time-honored tradition.
> (D.G.)

Sjoerd Visscher
sjoerd at w3future.com

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