[Haskell-cafe] how to #include files within parsec ... without
Leonard Siebeneicher
l-siebeneicher at versanet.de
Thu Jun 18 07:58:53 EDT 2009
Dear reader,
I wonder whether there is a 'general' working solution to include files
within a parsec parser. Without the need of unsafePerformIO.
Appending an example program, using unsafePerformIO.
Thanx for reading.
Leonard Siebeneicher
--- Begin: experiment.hs ---
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
import System.IO.Unsafe
my_str :: Parser String
my_str = many1 anyToken
wrap_input :: Parser String -> Parser String
wrap_input p =
i <- getInput
setInput readI
a <- my_str
setInput i
b <- my_str
return $ a ++ " //\n\n " ++ b
{- Aaaah ... any solution without unsafePerformIO? -}
readI = unsafePerformIO (readFile "experiment.hs")
main =
case parse (wrap_input my_str) "" "eintest" of
Left err -> putStrLn "Error raised"
Right ostr -> putStrLn ostr
--- End: experiment.hs ---
Thinking about a special type like
data MyInclude = PlainText String
| IncludeFile String
the parser could generate [MyInclude] data, but it does not work
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