[Haskell-cafe] Runtime strictness analysis for polymorphic HOFs?

Stefan Holdermans stefan at cs.uu.nl
Thu Jun 18 07:35:10 EDT 2009


>> Did you mean to say that const is strict in its first param and  
>> lazy in its second (since const _|_ y = _|_)? Also, can you explain  
>> your notation, how does a -> {S} -> b ->{L} a indicate the  
>> strictness? Why not just {S} a -> {L} b -> a?
> I'm sorry for the confusion. Indeed, const, as the type was intended  
> to reflect, const is strict in its first argument and lazy in its  
> second.

Ah, sorry. Now I see where I really confused you. Someone pointed out  
that I erroneously inserted an extra -> in the type. The type should  

   a ->{S} b ->{L} a



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