[Haskell-cafe] Re: Wiki user accounts
Magnus Therning
magnus at therning.org
Mon Jun 15 15:47:48 EDT 2009
Ashley Yakeley wrote:
> Magnus Therning wrote:
>> Philippa Cowderoy wrote:
>>> On Mon, 2009-06-15 at 13:52 -0400, Gwern Branwen wrote:
>>>> Hash: SHA512
>>>> On Mon, Jun 15, 2009 at 1:18 PM, Ashley Yakeley wrote:
>>>>> For requesting accounts: who would receive the email, and which person
>>>>> would create the account?
>>>> Why not just list everyone's email and let the requester pick who to
>>>> send the request to?
>>> A mailing list, possibly attached to a ticketing/queue system, seems a
>>> good idea? If it's just a list, admins should ack when they've added
>>> someone to avoid duplicated effort.
>> That seems like a good, simple solution!
> OK, so who wants to create accounts? What are your haskell.org usernames?
Wiki & hackage username: MagnusTherning
Magnus Therning (OpenPGP: 0xAB4DFBA4)
magnus@therning.org Jabber: magnus@therning.org
http://therning.org/magnus identi.ca|twitter: magthe
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