[Haskell-cafe] Performance of functional priority queues

Lennart Augustsson lennart at augustsson.net
Mon Jun 15 09:12:17 EDT 2009

A priority queue can't have all operations being O(1), because then
you would be able to sort in O(n) time.  So O(log n) deleteMin and
O(1) for the rest is as good as it gets.

On Mon, Jun 15, 2009 at 10:40 AM, Sebastian
Sylvan<sebastian.sylvan at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Jun 15, 2009 at 4:18 AM, Richard O'Keefe <ok at cs.otago.ac.nz> wrote:
>> There's a current thread in the Erlang mailing list about
>> priority queues.  I'm aware of, for example, the Brodal/Okasaki
>> paper and the David King paper. I'm also aware of James Cook's
>> priority queue package in Hackage, have my own copy of Okasaki's
>> book, and have just spent an hour searching the web.
>> One of the correspondents in that thread claims that it is
>> provably impossible to have an efficient priority queue implementation
> A priority queue based on skewed binomial heaps is asymptotically optimal
> (O(1) for everything except deleteMin which is O(log n)), so if that's what
> he means by "efficient" then he's most definitely wrong. If he's talking
> about "small constant factors" then it's harder to understand what he's
> referring to more precisely, and therefore what he means by "provably".
> --
> Sebastian Sylvan
> +44(0)7857-300802
> UIN: 44640862
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