[Haskell-cafe] web musing

Justin Bailey jgbailey at gmail.com
Fri Jun 5 12:30:49 EDT 2009

I bet they have PHP on the server already. Write your program so it
takes input from standard in  and writes to standard out. Then just
run your executable from PHP and write to its pipe. Instant web

On Fri, Jun 5, 2009 at 8:18 AM, Conor McBride<conor at strictlypositive.org> wrote:
> Comrades
> I'm in a perplexing situation and I'd like to appeal to the
> sages.
> I've never written anything other than static HTML in my life,
> and I'd like to make a wee web service: I've heard some
> abbreviations, but I don't really know what they mean.
> I've got a function (possibly the identity, possibly const "",
> who knows?)
>  assistant :: String -> String
> and I want to make a webpage with an edit box and a submit
> button. If I press the submit button with the edit box
> containing string s, I'd like the page to reload with the
> edit box reset to (assistant s).
> Will I need to ask systems support to let me install some
> haskelly sort of web server? Looks likely, I suppose.
> In general, what's an easy way to put a web front end on
> functionality implemented in Haskell?
> Hoping this isn't a hard question
> Conor
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