[Haskell-cafe] Monad transformer responsibilities

Stephan Friedrichs deduktionstheorem at web.de
Fri Jun 5 06:40:02 EDT 2009


it's alomost the same problem when you're writing a library with
optional quickcheck test cases: Where to put the Arbitrary instances?

 - You can't put them into quickcheck
 - You don't want to put them in the library (because of the quickcheck
 - So you have to declare them near the test cases and they're orphan

The entire project doesn't issue a single warning when compiling with
-Wall *except* two orphan instances when building the test cases...



Früher hieß es ja: Ich denke, also bin ich.
Heute weiß man: Es geht auch so.

 - Dieter Nuhr

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