[Haskell-cafe] Need feedback on my Haskell code
Felipe Lessa
felipe.lessa at gmail.com
Tue Jul 28 10:24:34 EDT 2009
Small tips:
- Use swap and avoid those if's.
- [a] ++ b is the same as a : b.
- Factor out the first point that is always there.
- Factor out line' arguments that don't change with the recursion.
> swap :: Bool -> (a,a) -> (a,a)
> swap False = id
> swap True = \(x,y) -> (y,x)
> line :: Point -> Point -> [Point]
> line (xa,ya) (xb,yb) = line' p1 p2 deltax deltay ystep isSteep 0
> where
> isSteep = abs (yb - ya) > abs (xb - xa)
> (p1,p2) = let a = swap isSteep (xa,ya)
> b = swap isSteep (xb,yb)
> in swap (fst a > fst b) (a, b)
> ((x1,y1),(x2,y2)) = (p1,p2)
> deltax = x2 - x1
> deltay = abs (y2 - y1)
> ystep = if y1 < y2 then 1 else -1
> line' :: Point -> Point -> Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> Bool -> Integer -> [Point]
> line' p1 (x2,_) deltax deltay ystep isSteep = go p1
> where
> go (x1,y1) error = swap isSteep (x1,y1) : rest
> where
> rest = if x1 == x2 then [] else go (newX,newY) newError
> newX = x1 + 1
> tempError = error + deltay
> (newY, newError) = if (2*tempError) >= deltax
> then (y1+ystep,tempError-deltax) else (y1,tempError)
But now that we got here, you may inline line' and avoid "swap
isSteep". I've also changed some names to more pleasant one (for
me, at least :). Untested as well:
> swap :: Bool -> (a,a) -> (a,a)
> swap False = id
> swap True = \(x,y) -> (y,x)
> line :: Point -> Point -> [Point]
> line (xa,ya) (xb,yb) = go (x1,y1) 0
> where
> ((x1,y1),(x2,y2)) = let a = adjust (xa,ya)
> b = adjust (xb,yb)
> in swap (fst a > fst b) (a, b)
> adjust = swap $ abs (yb - ya) > abs (xb - xa)
> deltax = x2 - x1
> deltay = abs (y2 - y1)
> ystep = if y1 < y2 then 1 else -1
> go (x,y) error =
> let error' = error + deltay
> (yd,ed) = if 2*tempError >= deltax then (ystep,deltax) else (0,0)
> in adjust (x,y) : if x == x2 then [] else go (x+1,y+yd) (error' - ed)
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