[Haskell-cafe] Implementing Las Vegas algorithms in Haskell
Hector Guilarte
hectorg87 at gmail.com
Tue Jul 7 02:51:19 EDT 2009
A few days ago I had to randomly choose and element of a list and continue
execution, so here's what I did:
I made a infinite list of Random numbers [Int] (Not IO [Int]) and I passed
it around all the time in a Tuple and whenever I returned I also returned
the list, so I would always have it available whenever I needed to use it.
Whenever I used it I took it's head off and returned the tail, along with
whatever else I was returning in a Tuple. The seed for the Random Generator
was the CPUTime. Here's the code: (The function that returns the infinite
list is infinito, the one on the bottom)
import Random
import CPUTime
import System.IO.Unsafe
La funcion @rand@ Retorna una lista de numeros Random para ser
utilizados en la seleccion de
las guardias en los if y los do
rand :: (RandomGen g, Random a) => (a,a) -> g -> [a]
rand range gen = as
where (a,b) = split gen -- create two separate generators
as = randomRs range a -- one infinite list of randoms
@seed@ Retorna la semilla con la que la funcion Random va a iniciar la
generacion de los numeros Randoms
seed :: Int
seed = fromInteger (unsafePerformIO getCPUTime)
@mygen@ Retorna el generador estandar con la semilla dada por la funcion
mygen = mkStdGen seed
@infinito@ Retorna la lista infinita de donde se van a sacar los numeros
para elegir la guardia a ser ejecutada en los if y los do
infinito:: (Num t,Random t) => [t]
infinito = [ x | x <- rand (1,1000000) mygen]
Hope it works for you!
Hector Guilarte
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