[Haskell-cafe] Implementing Las Vegas algorithms in Haskell

Luke Palmer lrpalmer at gmail.com
Mon Jul 6 22:04:55 EDT 2009

2009/7/6 Matthias Görgens <matthias.goergens at googlemail.com>

> A Las Vegas algorithm, like randomized quicksort, uses a source of
> randomness to make certain decisions.  However its output is
> unaffected by the randomness.  So a function
> > f :: RandomGen g => g -> a -> b
> implementing a Las-Vegas-Algorithm 'looks' like a pure function,
> ignoring its first argument and depending solely on its second
> argument.  What is an idiomatic way to implement such a function?  I
> believe, Monads are too linear and strict.

Interesting question!

Well, you could make your own random generator for the lifetime of the
function, with a fixed seed.  I'd say this is the most "honest" way to do
it; however, might a malicious user discover your seed, he could design an
input that would make your algorithm perform poorly.

I'm wary of saying you could use unsafePerformIO . randomRIO to get a seed.
 But I think some sort of unsafe something has to be involved, since you are
representing a very advanced proof obligation (the algorithm is independent
of the randomness).

Keep us (me) posted on developments on this idea.

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