[Haskell-cafe] can't build testpack

Krzysztof Skrzętnicki gtener at gmail.com
Sat Jan 31 20:41:10 EST 2009

2009/2/1 Ezekiel Smithburg <tehgeekmeister at gmail.com>

> solution to that problem:
> deleted the lines from "If flag(splitBase)" on and changed base in
> Build-Depends to base >= 4.

Well, this is exactly what I suggested in the first place:

> This error is due to usage of old base package in version 3.> In .cabal
file add dependency on base-4, in form "base >= 4".

Regarding second qustion:

> random is installed, i've verified that.  what does this error

It means that .cabal file fails to specify dependancy on random package. Add
dependancy on "random" package next to "base>=4". This should help.

All best

Christopher Skrzętnicki
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