[Haskell-cafe] hslogger bugs or features?

Marc Weber marco-oweber at gmx.de
Sat Jan 31 20:28:18 EST 2009

Following the advice on the hslogger wiki
I'm posting my thoughts about hslogger here:

What is wired?
This piece of code (src/System/Log/Logger.hs):

       parentHandlers name =
            let pname = (head . drop 1 . reverse . componentsOfName) name
                in do 
                next <- parentHandlers pname
                return ((handlers parent) ++ next)

Because when logging to "A.B.C" it splits the String once to get
["A","B","C"], then it drops the last part and runs the same again for
"A.B" and so on..
So A string is split > 3 times for one logging action. I think this is a
waste of cpu cycles.. I'm going to improve this. While reading the code
i noticed two issues:

issue 1

That's not the most awkward thing:
  When logging to "A.B.C" hslogger does add 3 loggers to the global
  logger Map:
  all three inheriting the default priority level of the default
  rootLogger ""

A test application illustrating this (feature ?)

  module Main where
  -- packages: hslogger
  import  System.Log.Logger as HL
  import  System.Log.Handler.Simple as HL

  main = do
    -- the default logger logs to stderr level WARNING 
    -- that's why the following message should be shown 

    -- a)
    logM "A.B.C" HL.ALERT "ALERT test, should be shown and should create the sublogger"

    -- b)
    updateGlobalLogger rootLoggerName (setLevel EMERGENCY)

    logM "A.B.C" HL.ALERT "ALERT test, should not be shown cause we have changed to EMERGENCY"

which prints:

  tmp %./test1
  /tmp nixos   
  ALERT test, should be shown and should create the sublogger
  ALERT test, should not be shown cause we have changed to EMERGENCY

which is quite confusing because I haven't told hslogger explicitely
to use a log level printing ALERTs on "A.B.C". so I'd expect that only
the first message is shown. This behaviour is explained by the
inheritance of the loglevel when hslogger creates them (without
attaching handlers) automatically.

I don't want the logging behaviour depend on wether a log line has been
emitted before or not.
Do you agree? Have I missed something?



  data Logger = Logger { level :: Priority,
                         handlers :: [HandlerT],
                         name :: String}

  type LogTree = Map.Map String Logger

by a real log tree:

  data LogTree = LogTree {
       level :: Priority, -- level only applies to handlers, not to subLoggers 
       handlers :: [HandlerT],
       subLoggers :: Map.Map String LogTree

issue 2

The second ineresting point is (bug or feature?) that you can make the
root logger shut up by setting different log levels to sub loggers:

this sample does illustrate it:

  module Main where
  -- packages: hslogger
  import  System.Log.Logger as HL
  import  System.Log.Handler.Simple as HL

  main = do
    updateGlobalLogger "" (setLevel DEBUG)
    updateGlobalLogger "A" (setLevel EMERGENCY)
    logM "A" HL.ALERT "ALERT test, should not be shown cause we have
  changed to EMERGENCY"

It doesn't print anything although the default log handler on root (="")
is set to loglever DEBUG. So there is no way to get all logmessages
without removing all all setLevel calls to subloggers?
Is this desirable?

my conclusion:

About issue 1 I think its a bug
About issue 2 I don't know. I think there should be a way to get all log
messages. So I feel this is a bug as well.

I neither have checkeg the logcxx nor log4j nor the reference
implementation in python.


Marc Weber

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