Re[Haskell-cafe] cursive referencing
lambda-belka at
Fri Jan 30 16:48:33 EST 2009
Great thanks, Ryan and Yevgeny!
1. For "sumAA 10 $ f 1 2" and for "sumAA 1000 $ f 1 2" - does the used
memory amounts differ?
2. Does it create in memory only 2 data objects, or creates 10s and 1000s
and garbage collects unneeded?
Also consider
fix (\p -> (AA somedata1 $ snd p, BB somedata2 $ fst p))
and my mod (added "some_very_expensive_f")
fix (\p -> (AA (some_very_expensive_f somedata1) $ snd p, BB
(some_very_expensive_f somedata2) $ fst p))
2. Does the sumAA evaluates this "some_very_expensive_f" every iteration of
recursion, or is it evaluated only once?
>Your definition with "fix" isn't lazy enough, so it goes into an
>infinite loop. You need to match lazily on the pair; here's a better
>body for "fix":
>fix (\p -> (AA somedata1 $ snd p, BB somedata2 $ fst p))
>To prove that the structure really turns out cyclic, you can use
>import Debug.Trace (trace)
>import Data.Function (fix)
>data AA = AA Int BB deriving Show
>data BB = BB Int AA deriving Show
>f = \data1 data2 -> fst $ fix $ \p ->
> (trace "eval_aa" $ AA data1 $ snd p,
> trace "eval_bb" $ BB data2 $ fst p)
>sumAA 0 _ = 0
>sumAA n (AA v bb) = trace "sumAA" (v + sumBB (n-1) bb)
>sumBB 0 _ = 0
>sumBB n (BB v aa) = trace "sumBB" (v + sumAA (n-1) aa)
>main = print $ sumAA 10 $ f 1 2
>*Main> main
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