[Haskell-cafe] haddock-2.3.0 error: file name does not match module name

Alistair Bayley alistair at abayley.org
Thu Jan 29 10:34:55 EST 2009

2009/1/29 Matthijs Kooijman <matthijs at stdin.nl>:
>> I assume that it's procesing file Database.Enumerator.lhs when it
>> emits this, but I'm puzzled because the module name in
>> Database.Enumerator.lhs is certainly Database.Enumerator, and not
>> Main.
> Any chance the module statement in the file is wrong? I think I remember
> seeing this error once when I accidentally typed Module instead of module.
> Apparently ghc assumes "Main" when there is no valid module statement.

It's not this, but it certainly looks like something similar is
confusing haddock.


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