[Haskell-cafe] ANN: incremental-sat-solver

Sebastian Fischer sebf at informatik.uni-kiel.de
Thu Jan 29 03:03:53 EST 2009

>> Unlike 'sat' and 'sat-micro-hs' it is a library, and unlike  
>> 'libsat' it
>> provides an interface for incremental solving.
> Funsat is also a library.

By saying 'libsat' I actually meant 'funsat' ;) I have considered  
using it instead of writing 'incremental-sat-solver'. But after  
looking at your code briefly, I couldn't see easily how to add an  
interface for incremental solving and decided to do another package.

> The code is structured in a way that it would possibly be
> straightforward to do incremental solving, but it is not designed for
> it. (If interested, see the function `Funsat.Solver.solveStep'.  It
> is not exported, but it could be.)

Thanks for your hint. It would be nice to have the efficiency of your  
library with the interface of mine.


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