[Haskell-cafe] ANN: Wired 0.2

Emil Axelsson emax at chalmers.se
Tue Jan 27 00:15:04 EST 2009

There is now a new release of Wired available:


The most important news in this release is that it now contains a 45nm
cell library, which means that you can use Wired to create and analyze
modern VLSI designs[*] today!


Wired is still in the experimentation phase, but is slowly stabilizing.
The current status is further explained in the package text. There's
very little documentation (basically only a few examples), so I expect
it to be quite hard to use if you haven't seen it before. I hope to
improve the documentation in the future. Feel free to mail me questions

/ Emil

[*] Unfortunately, while the 45nm library is "realistic", it's not based
on any actual process that can be fabricated. Contact me if you have
access to any real cell library and are interested in using it with Wired.

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