[Haskell-cafe] Re: Ann: Progress with IDE

Gwern Branwen gwern0 at gmail.com
Mon Jan 26 16:37:07 EST 2009

Hash: SHA512

On Mon, Jan 26, 2009 at 3:05 PM, Jürgen Nicklisch-Franken  wrote:
> Leksah 0.4.0* pre-release is now available. This will become the first
> beta when it is stable enough.
> The current feature list:
>  * Haskell customized editor with candy
>      * Project management support based on Cabal
>      * Visual editor for Cabal files
>      * Location of compilation errors
>      * Import helper, which writes the import statements
>      * Navigation to definition
>      * Module browser
>      * Information about types and comments
>      * Search for identifiers
>      * Session support
>      * Configurable visual appearance
>      * Configurable keymaps
> Get more info at:  http://www.leksah.org
> We now have a mailing list for Leksah:
> http://projects.haskell.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/leksah
> You need ghc 6.10 and gtk2hs 0.10 (which is not yet released, but you
> get it here: http://code.haskell.org/~pgavin/gtk2hs-0.10.0/ )
> Please test Leksah and give me feedback. Contributors welcome.
> Jürgen
> --keksa leksa haksel--

I tried using that gtk2hs tarball. make eventually errored out as:

Reading package info from stdin ... done.
cannot find libHSgstreamer.a on library path (ignoring)
Writing new package config file... done.
touch tools/c2hs/c2hsLocal.deps;  /home/gwern/bin/bin/ghc -M
- -dep-makefile -optdeptools/c2hs/c2hsLocal.deps -fglasgow-exts -O
- -itools/c2hs/base/admin:tools/c2hs/base/errors:tools/c2hs/base/general:tools/c2hs/base/state:tools/c2hs/base/syms:tools/c2hs/base/syntax:tools/c2hs/c:tools/c2hs/chs:tools/c2hs/gen:tools/c2hs/state:tools/c2hs/toplevel
- -package-conf package.conf.inplace -hide-all-packages  -package
base- -package haskell98- -package pretty-
- -package containers- -package array-
tools/c2hs/base/admin/BaseVersion.hs tools/c2hs/base/admin/Config.hs
tools/c2hs/base/errors/Errors.hs tools/c2hs/base/general/DLists.hs
tools/c2hs/base/general/FileOps.hs tools/c2hs/base/general/FNameOps.hs
tools/c2hs/base/general/Map.hs tools/c2hs/base/general/Position.hs
tools/c2hs/base/general/Set.hs tools/c2hs/base/general/UNames.hs
tools/c2hs/base/general/FastMutInt.hs tools/c2hs/base/state/CIO.hs
tools/c2hs/base/state/StateBase.hs tools/c2hs/base/state/State.hs
tools/c2hs/base/state/StateTrans.hs tools/c2hs/base/syms/Attributes.hs
tools/c2hs/base/syms/Idents.hs tools/c2hs/base/syms/NameSpaces.hs
tools/c2hs/base/syntax/Lexers.hs tools/c2hs/c/CAST.hs
tools/c2hs/c/CAttrs.hs tools/c2hs/c/CBuiltin.hs tools/c2hs/c/C.hs
tools/c2hs/c/CLexer.hs tools/c2hs/c/CNames.hs tools/c2hs/c/CParser.hs
tools/c2hs/c/CParserMonad.hs tools/c2hs/c/CPretty.hs
tools/c2hs/c/CTokens.hs tools/c2hs/c/CTrav.hs tools/c2hs/chs/CHS.hs
tools/c2hs/chs/CHSLexer.hs tools/c2hs/gen/CInfo.hs
tools/c2hs/gen/GBMonad.hs tools/c2hs/gen/GenBind.hs
tools/c2hs/gen/GenHeader.hs tools/c2hs/state/C2HSState.hs
tools/c2hs/state/Switches.hs tools/c2hs/toplevel/Main.hs
tools/c2hs/toplevel/Version.hs tools/c2hs/toplevel/C2HSConfig.hs;
./mk/chsDepend -i:glib glib/System/Glib/Types.chs
./mk/chsDepend -i:glib glib/System/Glib/GType.chs
./mk/chsDepend -i:glib glib/System/Glib/GValue.chs
./mk/chsDepend -i:glib glib/System/Glib/GValueTypes.chs
gcc -E -x c -traditional-cpp -I/usr/include/glib-2.0
- -I/usr/lib/glib-2.0/include -DGTK2HS_HS_PREPROC -include
gtk2hs-config.h glib/System/Glib/GObject.chs.pp -o
glib/System/Glib/GObject.chs.pp:38: error: missing expression between
'(' and ')'
glib/System/Glib/GObject.chs.pp:91: error: missing expression between
'(' and ')'
make: *** [glib/System/Glib/GObject.chs] Error 1

Any suggestions?

- --
Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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