[Haskell-cafe] Re: how to implement daemon start and stop directives?

Eugene Kirpichov ekirpichov at gmail.com
Fri Jan 23 04:50:46 EST 2009

2009/1/23 Ertugrul Soeylemez <es at ertes.de>:
> Luke Palmer <lrpalmer at gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Thu, Jan 22, 2009 at 9:04 AM, Ertugrul Soeylemez <es at ertes.de> wrote:
>> > Sometimes this is inevitable, but I've never seen a case, where
>> > IORefs couldn't be replaced by a more elegant State/StateT-based
>> > solution.  And if you need to do multi-threading, Chans, MVars and
>> > semaphores are better anyway.
>> Please define "better".  For the function in question, what advantages
>> do they give us?
> It gives you thread-safety for free, which IORefs don't give you.  It's
> the same purpose, the same amount of code, but threadsafe by concept.
> Of course, for simple variables, IORefs will likely be thread-safe as
> well, but there is no guarantee here.  With MVars you have that
> guarantee.
>> Just to be clear, I wouldn't dare argue that IORefs can do everything
>> MVars and TVars can do.  I'm just perplexed why you say MVars and
>> TVars are better, when an IORef does the trick just fine for our
>> function.
> What I'm saying is:  Even if IORefs suffice, why would you want to use
> them, if MVar does the job as well and likely better?
>> > There is no reason to prefer an IORef over an MVar to signal
>> > something to another thread.
>> Well, I usually don't go here, but benchmarks show that IORefs are the
>> fastest of any of the mutable variable primitives, by at least a
>> factor of 2.  I wish I remembered where I saw that.
> Yes, that's a good point, but I think, you can safely disregard that for
> signalling a thread to quit.
>> > By the way, IORefs are by themselves not thread-safe.  You need to
>> > use a special function, when using it in a multi-threaded manner.
>> You mean atomicModifyIORef?
> Yes.
>> IORefs *are* thread-safe by themselves: you will not make your program
>> segfault by using them in a multithreaded program.  So it all comes
>> down to invariants.  IORefs have no synchronization concepts, so code
>> like:
>>     x <- readIORef ref
>>     writeIORef ref (x+1)
>> Is not threadsafe by most standards.  That doesn't mean IORefs
>> themselves are not threadsafe, just that you have to be careful how
>> you use them.
> That's exactly my point.  In the above case they do just the same, but
> need more care.
>> And I will reiterate:  *in this case* the use of IORef is fully
>> encapsulated in this function and *is threadsafe!* Which is the basis
>> of my argument: in imperative code, when you can limit the scope of an
>> IORef to a small abstraction that is threadsafe, there is no advantage
>> of TVars or MVars over them.  I don't think they deserve "bad style"
>> sledgehammer.  (An instance of "use the right tool for the job")
>> daemon :: IO () -> IO (IO ())
>> daemon action = do
>>     stopvar <- newIORef False
>>     let run = do
>>           stop <- readIORef stopvar
>>           if stop then return () else (action >> run)
>>     forkIO run
>>     return (writeIORef stopvar True)
> In this case, it's simply a coincidence that it's safe.  It's because
> you're using an IORef Bool, and because writes to a Bool variable are
> atomic on virtually all platforms.  An Integer may already fail to be
> thread-safe.  You need more care and the payoff is zero.  If you still
> insist on using IORefs, at least use the atomic function above, but that
> destroys the little performance benefit of using IORefs, unless GHC does
> some intelligent optimization here, which I doubt.

This would be the case if the IORef was unboxed, but it is boxed, so
writing an IORef is actually writing a pointer to a thunk; here, Bool
and Integer have no difference at all. However, I don't know whether
GHC makes pointer writes atomic on all platforms (Java does, so it's
at least doable).

> Greets,
> Ertugrul.
> --
> nightmare = unsafePerformIO (getWrongWife >>= sex)
> http://blog.ertes.de/
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