[Haskell-cafe] Employment

Andrew Coppin andrewcoppin at btinternet.com
Tue Jan 20 16:01:30 EST 2009

Paul Johnson wrote:
> So next time I hear the "you can't get the programmers" line I'm going 
> to respond with something like this:
>    "If you post an advert for a Haskell developer you will get 20
>    applicants.  All of those people will be the kind of developer who
>    learns new programming languages to improve their own abilities and
>    stretch themselves, because nobody yet learns Haskell just to get a 
> job.
>    "If you post an advert for a Java developer you will get 200
>    applicants.  Most of them will be the kind of developer who learned
>    Java because there are lots of Java jobs out there, and as long as
>    they know enough to hold down a job then they see no reason to learn
>    anything."

If this isn't an "elevator pitch" for using Haskell then I don't know 
what the hell *is*!

Seriously, this is a pretty damned persuasive argument...

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