[Haskell-cafe] Haskell mode for Emacs question

Peter Verswyvelen bugfact at gmail.com
Thu Jan 22 12:42:41 EST 2009

mmm, it seems that the code is searching for the location of a cabal file
and uses that as the current directory, assuming all source code is relative
to that directory, instead of using the source directive in that cabal file.
On Thu, Jan 22, 2009 at 6:23 PM, Andrew Wagner <wagner.andrew at gmail.com>wrote:

> Interesting. I have a similar, but worse problem. For me, ':load'ing
> main.hs would fail to find the imported files. The only thing I appear to be
> able to :load is files that don't import from local directories.
> 2009/1/22 Peter Verswyvelen <bugfact at gmail.com>
>> I have a silly problem.
>> I'm using Emacs with the Haskell mode extension on Windows
>> I have a source file in say
>> c:/foo/src/main.hs
>> main.hs is importing some other modules in that same src directory
>> When I invoke GHCi from within Emacs, the first thing it does is
>> :cd c:/foo
>> and then
>> :load "src/main.hs"
>> But of course GHCi won't find the imported modules now, since the current
>> directory is wrong.
>> If I type in GHCi
>> :cd src
>> :load "main.hs"
>> then it compiles fine.
>> Does anyone have an idea why Emacs or the Haskell mode is switching to the
>> parent directory of src instead of src itself, and how to fix this?
>> Thanks a lot,
>> Peter
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