[Haskell-cafe] Big endian vs little endian in Haskell land?

Thomas DuBuisson thomas.dubuisson at gmail.com
Thu Jan 22 08:24:30 EST 2009

Sure, I've had to deal with this frequently.  Luckily, Data.Binary has
functions like getWord32be, putWord64le, etc.  I've never had any
problems and typically don't worry about the wire format after making
the Binary instances.

Or, if your question was what types of programs might be concerned you
can include any program that writes data to a file where the file
might be read on a different system and networking programs,


2009/1/22 Galchin, Vasili <vigalchin at gmail.com>:
> Hello,
>         Are there applications that have to deal with both(!!!) big endian
> and little endian on persistent store?? I.e. when marshalling out and
> unmarshalling in "endian-ness" has to be considered??
> Regards, Vasili
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