[Haskell-cafe] Re: ANN: leapseconds-announced-2009

Bjorn Buckwalter bjorn.buckwalter at gmail.com
Sun Jan 18 00:34:57 EST 2009

On Sun, Jan 18, 2009 at 00:00, Ashley Yakeley <ashley at semantic.org> wrote:
> Bjorn Buckwalter wrote:
>> leapseconds-announced is a pragmatic, if imperfect, improvement over
>> my past practices. It provides a LeapSecondTable with all leap seconds
>> announced to date (hence the name). Once the IERS announces[3] another
>> leap second the package will need an update and all code using it a
>> recompile. While this precludes its use in long-running production
>> applications it is eminently adequate for my one-off uses or for
>> applications that can afford to recompile infrequently.
> You should consider using the tz database, which provides a leap-seconds
> table in the "right/UTC" timezone (and much other useful information).

Thanks for the pointer. My "source" is the Earth Orientation Parameter
(EOP) data at http://www.celestrak.com/SpaceData/; specifically I
autogenerate the module from
http://www.celestrak.com/SpaceData/eop19620101.txt. Probably looks
more complicated than necessary but I'm parsing the file anyway for
other purposes.


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