[Haskell-cafe] ANN: HTTPbis / HTTP-4000.x package available

Sigbjorn Finne sigbjorn.finne at gmail.com
Fri Jan 16 14:11:47 EST 2009

Hi Levi,

I'm guessing that you are reading something different into that
than what's intended - it's "client-side" in the sense that it can
only issue web requests and handle their responses. i.e., it
doesn't handle incoming HTTP requests and issue suitable
responses. Web server implementation is an interesting problem
in its own right, and many packages/frameworks do an
admirable job of that already, so no plans (by me) to tackle
that via the HTTP package.

But, utilizing the HTTP package as part of any web app you
expose on a web server is very much on and not out of bounds.
Go for it! :-)

Does that answer your Q? (my apologies if I'm stating the
obvious above.)


Levi Greenspan wrote:
> Sounds very good to me. However I would like to as one question
> regarding the HTTP lib. On hackage I read: "HTTP: A library for
> client-side HTTP". Maybe you or someone on this list can tell me what
> the restrictions of the HTTP library are that restrict it to client
> side. What would be required to enable it for server-side use as well?
> Is it planed to complete HTTP this way?
> Many thanks,
> Levi

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