[Haskell-cafe] real haskell difficulties (at least for me)

Manlio Perillo manlio_perillo at libero.it
Thu Jan 15 07:51:58 EST 2009

Yitzchak Gale ha scritto:
> Duncan Coutts wrote:
>> We want to let random users on random
>> platforms submit simple anonymous build reports (no logs)...
>> The only downside compared to a more centralised system is that we do
>> not get to centrally monitor the status of the dedicated build clients.
> And that we open ourselves up to some serious security concerns -
> like hostile build reports and DOS.

DOS is always a problem, for every application open to the Internet.

As for hostile builds reports, I don't see it as a security concern.

> -Yitz

Manlio Perillo

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