[Haskell-cafe] real haskell difficulties (at least for me)

Magnus Therning magnus at therning.org
Tue Jan 13 17:14:03 EST 2009

Don Stewart wrote:
> mle+cl:
>> Don Stewart wrote:
>>> Well, the number one thing is to use Cabal and the cabal-install tool.
>>> That is the simplest way to avoid headaches.
>> I'm sure cabal  works very  well for many people, but for anyone who
>> has used Debian based distributions for some time,  cabal really
>> does seem like a backward step.
>> For instance, I regularly develop on 6 machines; personal laptop,
>> home desktop, 2 work desktops and 2 work build machines.
>> At work, the main output of my development work is Debian packages
>> (which get installed on hundreds of machines), and the Debian packages
>> I create have build depends on whatever compilers and libraries are
>> required to build them. We also have a build bot that runs nightly
>> in a clean chroot for each package so that build depends can  be
>> verified to be correct.
>> However, if I install compilers or libraries using cabal there is
>> no package to build depend on, breaking a system which currently
>> works very, very  well for all the code we build in C, C++ and
>> Ocaml.
> I encourage *strongly* the Debian community to package up hackage
> packages natively, as we have done on Gentoo and Arch.
> (This can be automated, in fact, see cabal2arch).
> cabal-install will work on any system. If you have particular distro
> requirements, consider distro-specific package tools.

Get on the debian-haskell list to discuss this!  I've looked into it
myself, but got stuck on a severely outdated haddock package.  That
won't be fixed until GHC 6.10 makes it into experimental or unstable :-(


Magnus Therning                             (OpenPGP: 0xAB4DFBA4)
magnus@therning.org             Jabber: magnus@therning.org

Haskell is an even 'redder' pill than Lisp or Scheme.
     -- PaulPotts

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