[Haskell-cafe] Re: Tying a simple circularly STM linked list

ChrisK haskell at list.mightyreason.com
Tue Jan 6 19:11:32 EST 2009

You can use "undefined" or "error ..." :

> {-# LANGUAGE RecursiveDo #-}
> import Control.Concurrent.STM
> import Control.Monad.Fix
> -- Transactional loop.  A loop is a circular link list.
> data Loop a
>    = ItemLink
>       { item :: a
>       , prev :: TVar (Loop a)
>       , next :: TVar (Loop a)
>       }
> -- Create a new empty transactional loop.
> newLoop :: a -> STM (TVar (Loop a))
> newLoop item = do
>    tLoop <- newTVar undefined
>    writeTVar tLoop (ItemLink item tLoop tLoop)
>    return tLoop

Hmmm.. STM does not have a MonadFix instance.  But IO does:

> -- Use MonadFix instance of newLoopIO
> newLoopIO :: a -> IO (TVar (Loop a))
> newLoopIO item = mfix (\ tLoop -> newTVarIO (ItemLink item tLoop tLoop))

But mfix (like fix) is difficult to read in large amounts, so there is "mdo":

> -- Use RecursiveDo notation
> newLoopMDO :: a -> IO (TVar (Loop a))
> newLoopMDO item = mdo
>    tLoop <- newTVarIO (ItemLink item tLoop tLoop)
>    return tLoop


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