[Haskell-cafe] Re: bug in HPDF?

Roman Cheplyaka roma at ro-che.info
Tue Jan 6 13:51:12 EST 2009

Thanks for helping!

* alpheccar <misc at alpheccar.org> [2009-01-06 19:47:21+0100]
> Roman,
> Here is the source code to do what you want:
> import Graphics.PDF
> import Complex
> main = runPdf "bug.pdf" standardDocInfo (PDFRect 0 0 100 100) pdf
>     where
>     pdf = do
>         p <- addPage Nothing
>         drawWithPage p $ do
>             moveto $ 10 :+ 10
>             sequence $ replicate 10 $ drawText $ text (PDFFont Helvetica 
> 10) 0 0 (toPDFString "ABC")
> It is the Text monad that needs to be replicated. Each copy will start  
> drawing the text lines at (10,10) as specified by the moveto.
> But, inside the text monad, each "text" will create a new line.
> Thanks,
> Christophe.
>> Here is a program which illustrates an unexpected behaviour:
>>  import Graphics.PDF
>>  main = runPdf "bug.pdf" standardDocInfo (PDFRect 0 0 100 100) pdf
>>      where
>>      pdf = do
>>          p <- addPage Nothing
>>          drawWithPage p $ drawText $
>>              sequence $ replicate 10 $
>>                text (PDFFont Helvetica 10) 10 10 (toPDFString "ABC")
>> What I expect here is "ABC" printed 10 times on the same place  
>> (starting
>> at (10,10)). What I see (in Okular) is ABC printed each time in the new
>> place like this:
>>   ABC
>>  ABC
>> ABC
>> ABC
>> What's happening here? I'm using HPDF-1.4.1 from Hackage.
>> -- 
>> Roman I. Cheplyaka :: http://ro-che.info/
>> "Don't let school get in the way of your education." - Mark Twain

Roman I. Cheplyaka :: http://ro-che.info/
"Don't let school get in the way of your education." - Mark Twain

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