[Haskell-cafe] Maybe a compiler bug?

Murray Gross mgross21 at verizon.net
Mon Jan 5 20:51:04 EST 2009

No unsafe perform (except what may be hidden in trace), nothing, fancy, no 
gimmicks (very pedestrian, even heavy-handed) code. Complete code is 
attached (I don't have smaller snippets, because I just discovered the 


Murray Gross

On Mon, 5 Jan 2009, Luke Palmer wrote:

> On Mon, Jan 5, 2009 at 4:34 PM, Murray Gross <mgross21 at verizon.net> wrote:
>> When using any of -O, -O1, -O2 with the Debian binary build of GHC 6.6,
>> trace shows that the expression
>>       if (lr > ll)  then  False else True
>> is (at least partially) evaluated, but the value returned is always True,
>> even though trace reports that (lr > ll) is True. When I use only the native
>> code generator (without optimization), the correct value (False) is
>> returned.
>> Further detail and complete code on request.
> Of course!  This is obviously incorrect behavior.  Are you doing any
> unsafePerformIO?  Please, complete code (minimal test case if possible, but
> don't let that stop you).
> Luke
>> Best,
>> Murray Gross
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-------------- next part --------------
-- *********************************************************************
-- *                                                                   *
-- *	Eternity II puzzle. Each puzzle piece is represented by a      *
-- *    5-tuple, in which the first 4 entries represent the four       *
-- *    edge colors in the order left, top, right, bottom, and the     *
-- *    fifth member is the (numerical) identifier for the piece.      *
-- *                                                                   *
-- *********************************************************************

-- module Solve where

import Data.Array.IArray
import Control.Parallel
import Control.Parallel.Strategies
import List
import Debug.Trace

main = putStrLn (show corns) >>
        putStrLn (corpic) >>
        putStrLn "Left sides\n">>

        putStrLn (pArrayPic (pArray pSides)) >>
	putStrLn "Right sides\n">>
        putStrLn (pArrayPic (rightArray ))>>
        putStrLn (show (length (perims (pArray pSides) corTemp))) >>	
        putStrLn (show (perims (pArray pSides) corTemp))>>
        putStrLn "done"

-- *********************************************************************
-- *                                                                   *
-- *    Make a list of all possible perimeters. Run the operation in   *
-- *    parallel over the list of possible corner configurations.      *
-- *                                                                   *
-- *********************************************************************

perims:: Array (Int) [Int]->
perims pArray corTemp = concat $ parMap rwhnf (\oneCor->makPerim
                                               oneCor pArray

-- *********************************************************************
-- *                                                                   *
-- * 	We build a list of perimeters by constructing each backward    *
-- *	from position 59. However, position 59 needs special handling  *
-- *	because it must match position 0 as well as 58. Each of the    *
-- *	other corners will also need special handling, which is done   *
-- *	by a case statement.					       *
-- *                                                                   *
-- *    Note that pArray is organized by the left sides of the pieces, *
-- *    while in makePerim we need to check the right side of a        *
-- *    against the bottom of the first corner. This results in the    *
-- *    need for rightArray, and some tricky indexing.                 *
-- *                                                                   *
-- *********************************************************************

makPerim :: (Int,Int,Int,Int) -> Array (Int) [Int] -> [[Int]]
makPerim oneCor
         pArray = [a:b | a <- ((rightArray) ! startCol), b <- 
	           (restPerim a 
		              (pArray // [(left(refPerim!a),
			      (rightArray //[(startCol,
			       (rightArray ! startCol) \\ [a])])	
			       trace (show b) 
			      b /=[]
		  where startCol = bot  (corns !! (fst4 oneCor))

-- *********************************************************************
-- *                                                                   *
-- *	Once past the first piece in a perimeter, move to next.        *
-- *	Check for a corner piece, which needs special handling.        *
-- *	If there are no candidates left to match last, terminate       *
-- *	the recursion, indicating there is no way to continue.	       *
-- *    Otherwise, construct the list of possible continuations of     *
-- *	the perimeter.                                                 *
-- * 	                                                               *
-- *********************************************************************

restPerim last
	  iAm     | -- trace ((show iAm)++" "++ (show last))
	            elem iAm [0,15,30,45]  = corner last
		  | useRow /= []	   = extend

		  | otherwise		   = []

                    where useRow = rightRay ! (left (refPerim ! last))
		          extend = [b:c | b <- (rightRay ! (left
			                          (refPerim ! last))),
					  c <- restPerim
					          (newLeft b)
						  (newRight b)
						  (iAm - 1),
						  --trace (show c)
                          newLeft b = leftRay //
			              [((left (refPerim ! b)),
			              (leftRay ! (left (refPerim ! b)))
				      \\ [b])]
		          newRight b = rightRay //
			              [((right (refPerim ! b)),
				      (rightRay ! (right (refPerim ! b)))
				      \\ [b])]

-- *********************************************************************
-- *                                                                   *
-- *	Corners get special handling. The corner in the upper left is  *
-- *	always piece 1, because of rotational symmetry.                *
-- * 	                                                               *
-- *********************************************************************

corner  last
                   | -- trace ((show last)++" "++(show iAm))
		     iAm == 15  =      if (gTst3 leftRay rightRay) then
		                              goOn (snd4 oneCor)
				          else trace "fail" []
                   | -- trace "goo" 
		     iAm == 30  = goOn (thd4 oneCor)
		   | -- trace "gah"
		     iAm == 45  = goOn (fth4 oneCor)
		   | -- trace "gii" 
		     iAm == 0   = if (lastLeft == rightCor 1) then [[1]]
		                     else []
		   | otherwise  = error ("\n\n *** You can't get here"++
		                        " *** \n\n")

                     where lastLeft   = left (refPerim ! last)
		           rightCor b = right (refPerim ! b) 
                           botCor b   = bot (refPerim ! b)
                           nLeft b    = left (refPerim ! b)

			   goOn q = if (lastLeft /= rightCor q) then 
				       else [q:c:d | c <- (leftRay !
				                        (botCor q)),
						     d <-
						    --  trace ((show q)++" "++
						    --    (show c)++"xx ")
						       restPerim c
						       (newleft  c)
						       (newright c)
						       (iAm - 2)
                           newleft  c   = leftRay //
			                    [((nLeft c),
					     leftRay!(nLeft c)\\[c])]
			   newright c  = rightRay //	                      
                                            [((rightCor c),
					    rightRay!(rightCor c)\\

-- *********************************************************************
-- *                                                                   *
-- *	agTst is a simple heuristic test to determine whether it is    *
-- *	possible for a perimeter to be built with the remaining        *
-- *	pieces: it tests to find out whether there are an equal no. of *
-- *    pieces whose right side matches the left sides of available    *
-- *	pieces, except, perhaps for 1, which will fit a corner piece.  *
-- *								       *
-- *	And it doesn't work, at least at the beginning of the solution.*
-- *	In the first 10,000,000 passages through corner 15, there is   *
-- *	only 1 fail.                                                   *
-- *                                                                   *
-- *********************************************************************

gTst :: Array Int [Int] -> Array Int [Int] -> Bool
gTst right left = and $ map tryme (indices right) 

	          where iList = indices right
                        tryme x | (length (right ! x)) ==
			           (length (left ! x))          = True

                                | abs ((length (right ! x))-
				       (length (left ! x))) ==
				       1		        = True
				| otherwise                     = False
gTst1:: Array Int [Int] -> Array Int [Int] -> Bool
gTst1 right left = if (sum $ map tryme (indices right)) > 2 then False
                                                            else True
                   where tryme x = abs ((length (right ! x)) -
		                       (length (left ! x)))
gTst2 right left = if (length (left ! 2)) > 0 then True else False 

gTst3 right left = if (lr > ll)  then  False else True 
			where lr = length (right ! 2)
			      ll = length (left ! 2)

-- *********************************************************************
-- *                                                                   *
-- *	Here we make up a list of the 6 possible corner configurations *
-- *    There are only 6 such because the remaining permutations of    *
-- *    corner pieces are merely rotations of the six used here.       *
-- *                                                                   *
-- *********************************************************************

corTemp :: [(Int,Int,Int,Int)]
corTemp = [(1,2,3,4),(1,2,4,3),(1,3,2,4),(1,3,4,2),(1,4,2,3),(1,4,3,2)]

corns = [(0,0,0,0,0), (0,0,2,1,1),(0,0,2,3,2),(0,0,4,1,3),(0,0,1,4,4)]

-- *********************************************************************
-- *                                                                   *
-- *	Construct an array in which each entry is a list of pieces     *
-- *    that have the same color on the left side. This array will be  *
-- *    used to construct the perimeters of the puzzle.                *
-- *                                                                   *
-- *    We use pArray as an array of available pieces, and refPerim    *
-- *    in order to find the matching colors; since it changes a lot,  *
-- *    the reduced item count will reduce overhead from building new  *
-- *	pArray's.                                                      *
-- *                                                                   *
-- *********************************************************************

pSides:: [(Int,Int,Int,Int,Int)]
pSides = [(2,0,2,5,5),(4,0,2,6,6),(2,0,2,7,7),(8,0,2,7,8),(1,0,2,9,9), 



pArray:: [(Int,Int,Int,Int,Int)] -> Array (Int)
pArray pSides = accumArray (++) [] (1,8) accumPlist

rightArray:: Array (Int) [Int]
rightArray  = accumArray (++) [] (1,8) rightAccum
rightAccum = map (\item ->((right item),[piece item])) pSides

accumPlist = map (\item ->((left item),[piece item])) pSides

refPerim:: Array (Int) (Int,Int,Int,Int,Int)

refPerim = listArray (1,60) (trace "don't get here"(drop 1 corns)++pSides)

-- *********************************************************************
-- *                                                                   *
-- *	Pretty-printer for corner configurations.                      *  
-- *                                                                   *
-- *	                                                               *
-- *********************************************************************

corpic = concat $ map oneSq corTemp

oneSq (a,b,c,d) = show (corns !! a) ++ "    " ++ show (corns !! b) ++
         "\n\n" ++
	 show (corns !! c)++"    "++show (corns !! d) ++ "\n\n\n"

-- *********************************************************************
-- *                                                                   *
-- *	Ugly-printer for pArray, the array of pieces for the           *  
-- *    perimeter.                                                     *
-- *                                                                   *
-- *	                                                               *
-- *********************************************************************

pArrayPic myray = concatMap (\x-> (show x)++"\n\n") (elems myray) 

-- *********************************************************************
-- *                                                                   *
-- *	Convenience functions.                                         *
-- *                                                                   *
-- *********************************************************************

left:: (Int,Int,Int,Int,Int) -> Int
left (a,b,c,d,e) = a
fst4 (a,b,c,d) = a

top  (a,b,c,d,e) = b
snd4 (a,b,c,d) =b

right (a,b,c,d,e) = c
thd4 (a,b,c,d) = c

bot  (a,b,c,d,e)  = d
fth4 (a,b,c,d) = d

piece (a,b,c,d,e) = e

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