[Haskell-cafe] Re: ANN: bytestring-trie 0.1.1 (bugfix)

ChrisK haskell at list.mightyreason.com
Sun Jan 4 13:19:18 EST 2009

Question and suggestion:

looking at

I am questioning your choice of foldr in fromList:

> -- | Convert association list into a trie. On key conflict, values
> -- earlier in the list shadow later ones.
> fromList :: [(KeyString,a)] -> Trie a
> fromList = foldr (uncurry insert) empty

> -- | /O(1)/, The empty trie.
> {-# INLINE empty #-}
> empty :: Trie a
> empty = Empty

> -- | Insert a new key. If the key is already present, overrides the
> -- old value
> {-# INLINE insert #-}
> insert    :: KeyString -> a -> Trie a -> Trie a
> insert     = alterBy (\_ x _ -> Just x)

> -- | Generic function to alter a trie by one element with a function
> -- to resolve conflicts (or non-conflicts).
> alterBy :: (KeyString -> a -> Maybe a -> Maybe a)
>          -> KeyString -> a -> Trie a -> Trie a
> alterBy f_ q_ x_
>     | S.null q_ = mergeBy (\x y -> f_ q_ x (Just y)) (singleton q_ x_) 
>     | otherwise = go q_
>     where

> -- | /O(1)/, Is the trie empty?
> {-# INLINE null #-}
> null :: Trie a -> Bool
> null Empty = True
> null _     = False

So it looks like the reduction is fromList - uncurry insert - alterBy - null.
Let me use insert in place of uncurry insert:

fromList ( (a,1) : ( (b,2) : ( (c,3) : [] ) ) )
(a,1) `insert` ( (b,2) `insert` ( (c,3) `insert` Empty ) ) )

So fromList forces the whole call chain above to be traversed until it hits the 
Empty.  For a large input list this will force the whole list to be allocated 
before proceeding AND the call chain might overflow the allowed stack size in 
ghc.  For a large trie (which is a likely use case) this is a poor situation.

If you use foldl' then the input list is only forced one element at a time.  A 
small change to the lambda that insert passes to adjustBy will retain the same 
semantics of earlier key wins (which are an especially good idea in the foldl' 


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