[Haskell-cafe] Use of abbreviations in Haskell

Isaac Dupree ml at isaac.cedarswampstudios.org
Sat Jan 3 22:08:55 EST 2009

Ketil Malde wrote:
> A module may be defined in a file with a name corresponding to the
> module name, or any dot-separated prefix of it?  I.e. the file
> Foo/Bar.hs will define module Foo.Bar and optionally Foo.Bar.Baz as
> well?
> GHC should then be able to find it, and I believe it already has a
> prioritized search mechanism (presumably, the file could be named
> Foo.Bar.hs, too).

I don't think GHC actually allows that (Foo.Bar.hs, ever). But your suggestion 
could work.

1. Try Foo/Bar/Baz.hs ; if it exists, end search (and error if it does not 
contain Foo.Bar.Baz, obviously as the file's top-level module).
2. Try Foo.Bar.hs ; if it exists, end search (and error if it does not contain 
Foo.Bar.Baz, obviously as a sub-module).
3. Try Foo.hs ; if it exists, end search (and error if it does not contain 
Foo.Bar.Baz, obviously as a sub-module... or possibly as a sub-sub-module?).
4. give up :-)

Note though, that local modules tempt us to a couple other things too, even 
though they're not necessary to the proposal and would complicate it:
- access-controlled modules (e.g. if other code can't import Foo.Bar.Baz)
- relative-path imports / module names (e.g. if in Foo/Bar.hs we make Baz and 
try to import it some way with "import Baz")

and as we already mentioned, it would likely involve some implicit importing 
of the sub-module.

translating into ordinary haskell:
I think my module-search mechanism makes a well-defined, deterministic way to 
find the right module, no complex translation necessary (except layout rule 
madness maybe?).
Implicit importing: submodule syntax implies adding an "import 
The.Module.Name" line at that point in the containing file.  This would suggest 
that submodules must be at the top, among the imports, because all imports 
must syntactically be at the beginning of the file -- and there's a reason for 
this.  Bother!  Even if the reason is dependency chasing, one would think 
same-file dependencies aren't important, but the submodules themselves can 
import things from other files, so those lines should need to be near the 
beginning anyway.

so an example could be

module MyData
module MyData.Sub,  -- or equivalently, D(..)

module MyData.Sub  --or "module Sub" ?? that seems a bit too ad-hoc though
  data D = E | F

transform :: D -> D
transform F = E
transform E = F


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