[Haskell-cafe] Re: How do we decide on the new logo?

Richard Kelsall r.kelsall at millstream.com
Sat Jan 3 10:07:41 EST 2009

Achim Schneider wrote:
> Step 3: Re-open contest, accepting submissions _using_ the winning
> logo, in the categories a) colour schemes[1] b), official shapes[2] c),
> font[3] to go to b), d) layouts of b) + c)

This is a good suggestion. I would like small adjustments to the logo
to be possible before it's frozen. Some kind of Step 3 will result
in a much better logo. For example, I really like the pyramid from
above / square containing three triangles that Lenny222 submitted, but
I wouldn't choose this precise colour scheme and form. I didn't have
time to enter an alternative. When the field has been significantly
reduced I think people will be willing to expend effort improving the
remaining entries.


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