[Haskell-cafe] Stacking State on State.....

Andrew Wagner wagner.andrew at gmail.com
Sat Feb 28 10:35:53 EST 2009

Thanks for helping clean up my dirty little hacking. This could  
actually be made nicer by defining the following, and rewriting the  
original code in terms of it:

type State2 a b = StateT a (State b)
type Programmable a = State2 a (a->a)

I'll leave the rewrite as an exercise for the reader, since I'm  
standing in the store writing this on my iPhone :)

On Feb 28, 2009, at 10:08 AM, Daniel Fischer  
<daniel.is.fischer at web.de> wrote:

> Am Samstag, 28. Februar 2009 15:36 schrieb Andrew Wagner:
>> Ok, so this question of stacking state on top of state has come up  
>> several
>> times lately. So I decided to whip up a small example. So here's a  
>> goofy
>> little example of an abstract representation of a computer that can  
>> compute
>> a value of type 'a'. The two states here are a value of type 'a',  
>> and a
>> stack of functions of type (a->a) which can be applied to that value.
> Nice.
>> Disclaimer: this code is only type-checked, not tested!
>> import Control.Monad.State
> import Control.Moand (unless)
>> -- first, we'll rename the type, for convenience
>> type Programmable a = StateT [a->a] (State a)
>> -- add a function to the stack of functions that can be applied
>> -- notice that we just use the normal State functions when dealing
>> -- with the first type of state
>> add :: (a -> a) -> Programmable a ()
>> add f = modify (f:)
>> -- add a bunch of functions to the stack
>> -- this time, notice that Programmable a is just a monad
>> addAll :: [a -> a] -> Programmable a ()
>> addAll = mapM_ add
> Be aware that this adds the functions in reverse order, an  
> alternative is
> addAll = modify . (++)
> (addAll fs = modify (fs ++))
>> -- this applies a function directly to the stored state, bypassing  
>> the
>> function stack
>> -- notice that, to use State functions on the second type of state,  
>> we must
>> use
>> -- lift to get to that layer
>> modify' :: (a -> a) -> Programmable a ()
>> modify' f = lift (modify f)
>> -- pop one function off the stack and apply it
>> -- notice again the difference between modify' and modify. we use  
>> modify'
>> to modify the value
>> -- and modify to modify the function stack. This is again because  
>> of the
>> order in which we wrapped
>> -- the two states. If we were dealing with StateT a (State [a->a]),  
>> it
>> would be the opposite.
>> step :: Programmable a ()
>> step = do
>>  fs <- get
>>  let f = if (null fs) then id else (head fs)
>>  modify' f
>>  modify $ if (null fs) then id else (const (tail fs))
> Last line could be
> modify (drop 1)
>> -- run the whole 'program'
>> runAll :: Programmable a ()
>> runAll = do
>>  fs <- get
>>  if (null fs) then (return ()) else (step >> runAll)
> runAll = do
>    stop <- gets null
>    unless stop (step >> runAll)

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