[Haskell-cafe] Translating an imperative algorithm - negascout
Colin Paul Adams
colin at colina.demon.co.uk
Thu Feb 26 15:54:19 EST 2009
Hello Haskellers,
I want to implement the negascout algorithm for the game I'm writing.
Wikipedia gives the algorithm in imperative terms:
I've tried to translate this into Haskell. I'm not sure if I'm going
about it the right way, and if I am, if I've done it correctly.
Any comments on my effort here, are welcome:
module Move (negascout
) where
{-# contract negascout Ok -> {depth | depth >= 0} ->
Ok -> Ok -> Ok #-}
negascout :: Node -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int
negascout node depth alpha beta =
case depth == 0 || is_terminal node of
True -> evaluate node
False -> let child:rest = children node
b = beta -- initial window is (-beta, -alpha)
in negascout' child (depth-1) (- b) (- alpha) beta rest
-- Implementation
{-# contract negascout' Ok -> {depth | depth >= 0} ->
Ok -> Ok -> Ok -> Ok -> Ok #-}
negascout' :: Node -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> [Node] -> Int
negascout' node depth beta' alpha beta rest =
let a = negate $ negascout child depth beta' alpha
in case a > (- alpha) of
True -> let alpha' = a
in case alpha' >= beta of
True -> alpha' -- beta cut-off
False -> case alpha' >= (- beta') of -- null window failed high?
True -> let alpha'' = negate $ negascout child depth (- beta) (- alpha') -- full re-search
in case alpha'' >= beta of
True -> alpha'' -- beta cut-off
False -> case rest of
[] -> alpha''
child':rest' -> let b' = alpha'' + 1
in negascout' child' depth (- b') alpha'' beta rest'
False -> case rest of
[] -> alpha'
child':rest' -> let b' = alpha' + 1
in negascout' child' depth (- b') alpha' beta rest'
False -> case rest of
[] -> alpha
child':rest' -> let b' = alpha + 1
in negascout' child' depth (- b') alpha beta rest'
Colin Adams
Preston Lancashire
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