[Haskell-cafe] Memoization local to a function

Sittampalam, Ganesh ganesh.sittampalam at credit-suisse.com
Wed Feb 25 12:46:44 EST 2009

Dusan Kolar wrote:
> Nevertheless, local version does not
> work.  

Restructure your code like this:

> fibL m =
>   let
>     allfib = 0:1:[allfib!!n + allfib!!(n+1) | n <- [0..]]
>   in allfib !! m

fibL = let allfib = 0:1:[allfib!!n + allfib!!(n+1) | n <- [0..]]
         in \m -> allfib !! m

i.e. move the definition of the memo table outside the scope of
the specific parameter you want to memoise over.



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