[Haskell-cafe] MapReduce reverse engineered

Alberto G. Corona agocorona at gmail.com
Wed Feb 25 11:34:28 EST 2009


Maybe you are asking not only about remote execution, but also mobility of
code. This is a problem that is previous to mapReduce, since mapReduce
assumes that all the code (and the data) is in place in the respective
nodes. In fact, the distribution of resources in order to efficiently use
mapReduce is a design problem that the google people has done by hand.
But  my intuition says that there are a general algorithm  for distribution
of  code, data, bandwidth and resources in general that  moves around at
execution time to achieve better and better performance for a given grid of
nodes and for any task, for example, a mapReduce task. I would be very
interesting to read something about this.

I know that some efforts have been carried out the past , for example mobile
haskell <http://homepages.inf.ed.ac.uk/stg/workshops/TFP/book/DuBois/duboismhaskell/cameraready.pdf


which is a first step for this goal but I this has been discontinued and the
source code is not available.

2009/2/25 Galchin, Vasili <vigalchin at gmail.com>
> Hello,
>      Here is an interesting paper of Google's MapReduce reverse engineered
into Haskell. I apologize if already posted .....
> Kind regards, Vasili
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